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This Perl script is used to transfer passive check results from Nagios satellites to a central instance.
SSH and rsync is used for transfering the files, SSH PubKey authentication has to be set up for this script to work

submit_event_data.pl -H -l -r -x
[-u| --user ] [-s|--sleep
] [-c|--config ] [-h|--help] [-v|--version]

A script for collecting performance data from other Nagios nodes. This
will make sense in environments with distributed monitoring ;-)

-H | --hosts
Hostnames or ip addresses of the hosts to check for data. A comma
separated list...

-l | --local-dir
Where will the performance data be stored?

-r | --remote-dir
Target directordy on the remote host

-x | --xternal
Path to Nagios' External Command Interface, e.g.

-u | --user
Username for login on hosts

-s | --sleep
Time to sleep after recieving data from hosts. Default is 60 seconds

-c | --config
Path to configuration file. When choosing this options, -H, -l and
-r not needed

Print help message and exit

Print version an exit