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Watchguard Wizard

Compatible With
  • Nagios XI
Nagios CSP

Meet The New Nagios Core Services Platform

Built on over 25 years of monitoring experience, the Nagios Core Services Platform provides insightful monitoring dashboards, time-saving monitoring wizards, and unmatched ease of use. Use it for free indefinitely.

Monitoring Made Magically Better

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  • Powerful Monitoring Dashboards
  • Time-Saving Configuration Wizards
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This Watchguard wizard allows quick and easy access to monitoring your Watchguard device. It allows for monitoring several metrics that include: CPU Usage, Active Connections and Interface Bandwidth.
This Watchguard utilized SNMP to monitor the following metrics on your Watchguard device:

- CPU Usage
- Active Connections
- Port Bandwidth
- Port Status
- Stream Requests/Sec
- Streams Dropped/Sec
- Packets Sent/Received/Sec
- Bytes Sent/Received/Sec

All in easy to setup wizard format.

The version of each Monitoring wizard could be different in different minor versions of Nagios XI. Make sure you download the correct version! Installing a wrong version of the wizard (too old or too new) can break your system!


Nagios XI 5.6.x

Nagios XI 5.5.x

Nagios XI 5.0.x

Nagios XI 2014 or older

Reviews (1)
byashman, February 19, 2012
I recently installed this on my XI host (free license) and while it is able to ping my Watchguard XTM23, it it unable to poll active connections, received packets, sent packets, total received bytes and total sent bytes, which kind of makes it useless. The error is the same for all of these items that do not work: UNKNOWN - Invalid OID, no value found at this place! Any help getting this to work, would be appreciated. Thanks!