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Nagios RSS

0 votes
Compatible With
  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
nagios-rss-1.0.tarNagios RSS 1.0
nagios-rss-2.1.tarNagios RSS 2.1
Nagios CSP

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Receive Nagios status as a personalised RSS feed. Now works with Nagios 2.x

This project is a CGI designed for Nagios 1.x and 2.x. It gives you an authenticated URL which will give an RSS feed of the hosts and services to which you have access. The RSS articles contain additional links for viewing the detail and acknowledging, and you can also pass parameters to filter the things you want alerts on.

This is a highly modified copy of status.cgi, so it takes many of the same parameters.

You need to compile it in the nagios source tree. Instructions are in the INSTALL file in the package.

Use the 1.0 package for Nagios 1.x, and the 2.1 package for Nagios 2.9

The v2.1 package is tested with Nagios 2.9 and works. It does not compile with Nagios 2.5. It may work with other 2.x versions later than 2.5.

The v1.0 package is tested with Nagios 1.4 and 1.5 and compiles correctly. It will probably work with other later versions of 1.x.