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Nagios Mass Acknowledge and Mass Downtime Scheduler

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Compatible With
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
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Script to help with the acknowledging of multiple alerts.

When running in a large environment, and during a large maintenance, alerts can flood the user and even with the use aid of servicegroups and hostgroups the alerts can overwhelm the user.

The script lists any problem unacknowledged or without unscheduled downtime.
Similar to what this link does:


To setup the script, make sure you edit the paths to your nagios.cfg and that status.dat, and the command FIFO file are declared there.

To use the script, run without arguments, in interactive mode.
Reviews (8)
Thanks for the script. It works beautifully. I do have a couple requests if possible. Is there a way to add the function to go through the scheduled downtimes and end them? Secondly, is there a way to add service groups to the search function?

Thanks again for the script.
work beautifully. I second to some of them comment about list all and ack all. Its open source, perhaps someone can help add on such function?

But anyway, the script is great as what it is. ;-)
by2020media, May 17, 2013
0 of 1 people found this review helpful
Great script. Worked out of the box for me on Nagios 3.2

An improvment could be to run it via the web.
byskreier, March 27, 2013
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
I needed a simple way to acknowledge a lot of Host an serviceproblem trough a unplannend downtime. An this Script is perfect, because it reads the open messages an give me the option to ignore , acknowledge or set on downtime for a limited timeperiod. Thanks a lot.
bynagiospig, November 22, 2012
0 of 1 people found this review helpful
I have tried this on 3.4.1 even with the changes mentioned above but it doesnt ack the alert
bywilcoNL, September 20, 2012
2 of 3 people found this review helpful
There is a little problem in the source which prevented me from running it with Nagios 3.4 core.

Just change the following:
if($_ =~ /service {/){
$is_service = 1;

if($_ =~ /servicestatus {/){
$is_service = 1;

And it run like a charm.

Nice program to have.
bydwall, August 12, 2012
2 of 3 people found this review helpful
I have not used this extensively yet, but it does appear to work for me using the FAN image based on CentOS5.8.

I would like an options to show the services and hosts with unacknowledged events, and acknowledge all. This might be included already, but on first run it asked for a string, I entered SSL, and received a listing to acknowledge one service at a time. I will have to look at the code and see if there are already other options, but overall this is better than the web interface for acknowledging.
bycorcoran, June 12, 2012
0 of 2 people found this review helpful
This script dumps out without errors on Ubuntu. Have tried to contact the author with no response. Sad as it'd be TOP USEFUL.
Owner's reply

Why so Sad? how are you trying to contact me? I see no comments on the blog were I posted the code, or email. I have been really busy but you can reach me on the listed contact info.