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check_linux_stats Featured

79 votes
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Plugin to check linux system performance (cpu, mem, load, disk usage, disk io, network usage, open files and processes).
A perl plugin using Sys::Statistics::Linux

Thanks to Jonny Schulz, the author of Sys::Statistics::Linux, for his great work ( !

v1.2 Changelog :
- Add Paging statistics
- Add swapused and active memory on perfparse statistics
- Remove unused -H option (mthuijs)
v1.3 Changelog :
- Add uptime check, warning threshold in minutes (csterley)
- Replace /usr/local/nagios/libexec with FindBin (eulen)
- Fix reports network traffic in bytes (dbsanders)
v1.4 Changelog :
- Illegal division by zero (helium_rday, RedFish)
- Get the cache out of the used memory (waterdeep, dbsanders)
- Removed unused $return_str on check io disk (RedFish)
- Add steal cpu statistics
v1.5 Changelog :
- Add paging statistics to check for major faults (
- bug, when using unit=MB for disk usage, the perf data writtens only KB (john12)
- Bug, multiple pipe on IO perfcournter (ledistordu)
- Add CPU context switch statistics
Usage :
-h, --help
print this help message
-C, --cpu
check cpu usage
-P, --proc
check the processes number
-M, --memory
check memory usage (memory used, swap used and memory cached)
-N, --network=NETWORK USAGE
check network usage in resq or bytes (default bytes)
-D, --disk=DISK USAGE
check disk usage
check disk I/O (r/w on /dev/sd*)
check load average
-F, --file=FILE STATS
check open files (file alloc, inode alloc)
-S, --socket=SOCKET STATS
socket usage (tcp, udp, raw)
check CPU context switch
-U, --uptime
-p, --pattern
-w, --warning
warning thresold
-c, --critical
critical thresold
-s, --sleep
default 1 sec.
-u, --unit
%, KB, MB or GB left on disk usage, default : MB
REQS OR BYTES on disk io statistics, default : REQS
-V, --version
version number

ex :
* Cpu usage :
./ -C -w 90 -c 100 -s 5
CPU OK : idle 99.80% | user=0.00% system=0.20% iowait=0.00% idle=99.80%;90;100

* Load average :
./ -L -w 10,8,5 -c 20,18,15
LOAD AVERAGE OK : 0.20,0.07,0.16 | load1=0.20;10;20;0 load5=0.07;8;18;0 load15=0.16;5;15;0

* Memory usage :
./ -M -w 99,50 -c 100,50
MEMORY OK : Mem used=92.57%, Swap used=0.01% |MemUsed=92.57%;95;99 SwapUsed=0.01;50;50 MemCached=12.62 SwapCached=0.00 Active=12.61

* Disk usage :
./ -D -w 10 -c 5 -p /,/usr,/tmp,/var
DISK WARNING used : / 3331.80MB on 3875.09MB (8.86% free) /usr 10084.27MB on 14528.41MB (25.43% free)| /=3331.80MB /usr=10084.27MB

* Disk I/O :
./ -I -w 100,70 -c 150,100 -p sda1,sda2,sda4
DISK I/O OK | sda2_read=0.00;100;150 sda2_write=0.00;70;100 sda4_read=0.00;100;150 sda4_write=0.00;70;100 sda1_read=0.00;100;150 sda1_write=0.00;70;100

* Network usage :
./ -N -w 30000 -c 45000 -p eth0
NET USAGE OK eth0:8021.78KB | eth0_txbyt=3461.39KB eth0_txerrs=0.00KB eth0_rxbyt=4560.40KB eth0_rxerrs=0.00KB

* Open files :
./ -F -w 10000,150000 -c 15000,250000
OPEN FILES OK allocated: 1728 (inodes: 70390) | fhalloc=1728;10000;15000;411810 inalloc=70390;150000;250000;100250 dentries=50754

* Socket usage :
./ -S -w 1000 -c 2000
SOCKET USAGE OK : used 257 |used=257;1000;2000 tcp=18 udp=5 raw=0

* Number of procs :
./ -P -w 1000 -c 2000
PROCS OK : count 272 |count=272;1000;2000 runqueue=2 blocked=0 running=2 new=0.98

* Process mem & cpu :
./ -T -w 2000000000 -c 3000000000 -p /var/run/
PROCESSES OK | java_vsize=1804918784;2000000000;3000000000 java_nswap=0 java_cnswap=0 java_cpu=0

* Paging statistics :
./ -W -w 10,1000,1 -c 20,2000,20 -s 3
Paging OK : in:0.00,out:0.00,flt:0.00 |pgpgin=0.00;10;20;0 pgpgout=0.00;1000;2000;0 pgmajfault=0.00;1;20;0 pswpin=0.00 pswpout=0.00

* Cpu context switch :
./ -X -w 6000 -c 70000 -s 2
CONTEXT SWITCH OK : context 80|ctxt=80

* Uptime :
./ -U -w 9
WARNING : up 0 days, 00:08:16 |uptime=496.05

Reviews (49)
Hi Team ,

I am new in linux and using nagios , I want to understand what are these parameters works with this scripts .

/usr/local/nagios/libexec/ -M -w 99,50 -c 100,50

What is the meaning of -w 99,50 and -c 100,50 . What are these values .

Please help me to understand it in memory script .

Parshant Bhardwaj
bymouseymars, May 26, 2020
Nice little collection.

Is there a set of pnp4nagios templates for it?
I have made some changes to this plugin at
How can I submit PR?

My changes:
*) percentage based check for disk usage will return percentage perfdata instead of KB
*) added an option to exclude file systems types for disk usage check so that we can exclude file systems like tmpfs, devtmpfs, etc.

Great work.

I am fairly new to linux and nagios. But is there a tutorial/Link to import and run a plugin?

Thanks in advance!
byNúñez Campos, October 17, 2016
0 of 1 people found this review helpful
Congratulations for the plugin. I like a lot, but it seems to have problems to execute NRPE, as when I run this plugin with NRPE it is unable to read the output. I have seen that other people have the same error. Could you help us to execute this plugin in remote? I have configured it, but it doen't work.
The plugins is great.. working with everything really fine but while i am using the unit variable with MB for Network Usages then its showing the default KB value.
Works great!
bymhoogveld, April 16, 2016
I really like this plugin and have written an extension which I'd like to send to you.
However, I can't seem to reach the owner by email at
I get a "550 5.2.1 This mailbox has been blocked due to inactivity" error message.
How can the owner be reached?
Hi!,This plugin is great i can do a lot of things with only one command,thanks to the developer.

In the shell all works fine,but i can't show it in the WEB-GUI(Of course before that I added the plugin to the nrpe.cfg and reload the nagios service.)

Whats is the problem here?

Thanks a lot for your support.
byBarreto, January 27, 2016
Check CPU is presenting problem, does anyone know what they have to modify the script?

/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/ -C -w 90 -c 95
CPU OK : idle 99.50% |idle=99.50%;90;95 user=0.00% system=0.00% iowait=0.50% steal=0.00%check_linux_stats v1.5
Usage: /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/ -C|-P|-M|-N|-D|-I|-L|-F|-S|-W|-U -p -w -c [-s ] [-u ] [-V] [-h]
-h, --help
print this help message
-C, --cpu=CPU USAGE
-P, --procs
-M, --memory=MEMORY USAGE
-N, --network=NETWORK USAGE
-D, --disk=DISK USAGE
-F, --file=FILE STATS
-S, --socket=SOCKET STATS
-U, --uptime
-p, --pattern
-w, --warning
-c, --critical
-s, --sleep
-u, --unit
%, KB, MB or GB left on disk usage, default : MB
REQS OR BYTES on disk io statistics, default : REQS
-V, --version
version number

ex :
Memory usage : perl -M -w 90 -c 95
Cpu usage : perl -C -w 90 -c 95 -s 5
Disk usage : perl -D -w 95 -c 100 -u % -p /tmp,/usr,/var
Load average : perl -L -w 10,8,5 -c 20,18,15
Paging statistics : perl -W -w 10,1000,1 -c 20,2000,20 -s 3
Process statistics : perl -P -w 100 -c 200
I/O statistics on disk device : perl -I -w 10 -c 5 -p sda1,sda4,sda5,sda6
Network usage : perl -N -w 10000 -c 100000000 -p eth0
Processes virtual memory : perl -T -w 9551820 -c 9551890 -p /var/run/
Cpu context switch : perl -X -w 6000 -c 70000 -s 2
Uptime : perl -U -w 5
byfritsspits, January 11, 2016
1 of 1 people found this review helpful

There's a small bug in v1.5 on line 62:

"if" should be "elsif" otherwise the -C (check_cpu) option will always show help.

Here's the diff:

--- /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ 2016-01-12 11:51:20.586228411 +0100
+++ /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ 2016-01-12 11:49:45.223925210 +0100
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
Owner's reply

I fixed this ugly bug..

great check.
I've found a little bug using hte CPU count.
It show me , on the perfdata, the entire help screen, just after the steal percentage:

[root@ph742502]/usr/local/nagios/libexec# ./ -C -w 70 -c 100 -s 2
CPU OK : idle 91.85 |idle=91.85%;70;100 user=0.59% system=0.34% iowait=7.12% steal=0.00%check_linux_stats v1.5
Usage: ./ -C|-P|-M|-N|-D|-I|-L|-F|-S|-W|-U -p -w -c [-s ] [-u ] [-V] [-h]
-h, --help
print this help message
-C, --cpu=CPU USAGE
-P, --procs
-M, --memory=MEMORY USAGE

Could be possible to solve?
i was not able to find it on the check_cpu section, it looks ok to me (but i'm not a programmer).

Thank you.

Owner's reply

I fixed this ugly bug..

byjframeau, January 6, 2016
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Very good plugin.

Last version 1.5
check_cpu should be followed by a elsif.

--- 2016-01-06 22:06:17.000000000 +0100
+++ 2016-01-06 22:03:33.582324204 +0100
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@

Owner's reply

I fixed this ugly bug.., September 11, 2015
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Nice plugin. I added a check to paging statistics to check for major faults. diff follows.

--- 2015-09-11 12:22:42.977785368 -0500
+++ 2015-08-21 09:11:02.000000000 -0500
@@ -533,22 +533,21 @@
if(defined($stat->pgswstats)) {
$status = "OK";
my $page = $stat->pgswstats;
- my ($warn_in,$warn_out,$warn_flt) = split(/,/,$o_warning);
- my ($crit_in,$crit_out,$crit_flt) = split(/,/,$o_critical);
- if((($page->{pgpgin}>=$crit_in)&&($page->{pgpgout}>=$crit_out))||($page->{pgmajfault}>=$crit_flt)) {
+ my ($warn_in,$warn_out) = split(/,/,$o_warning);
+ my ($crit_in,$crit_out) = split(/,/,$o_critical);
+ if(($page->{pgpgin}>=$crit_in)||($page->{pgpgout}>=$crit_out)) {
$status = "CRITICAL";
- elsif((($page->{pgpgin}>=$warn_in)&&($page->{pgpgout}>=$warn_out))||($page->{pgmajfault}>=$warn_flt)) {
+ elsif(($page->{pgpgin}>=$warn_in)||($page->{pgpgout}>=$warn_out)) {
$status = "WARNING";

my $perfdata = "|"
."pgpgin=$page->{pgpgin};$warn_in;$crit_in;0 "
."pgpgout=$page->{pgpgout};$warn_out;$crit_out;0 "
- ."pgmajfault=$page->{pgmajfault};$warn_flt;$crit_flt;0 "
."pswpin=$page->{pswpin} pswpout=$page->{pswpout}";

- print "Paging $status : in:$page->{pgpgin},out:$page->{pgpgout},flt:$page->{pgmajfault} $perfdata";
+ print "Paging $status : in:$page->{pgpgin},out:$page->{pgpgout} $perfdata";
else {
print "No data";
@@ -627,7 +626,7 @@
Cpu usage : perl -C -w 90 -c 95 -s 5
Disk usage : perl -D -w 95 -c 100 -u % -p /tmp,/usr,/var
Load average : perl -L -w 10,8,5 -c 20,18,15
- Paging statistics : perl -W -w 10,1000,1 -c 20,2000,20 -s 3
+ Paging statistics : perl -W -w 10,1000 -c 20,2000 -s 3
Process statistics : perl -P -w 100 -c 200
I/O statistics on disk device : perl -I -w 10 -c 5 -p sda1,sda4,sda5,sda6
Network usage : perl -N -w 10000 -c 100000000 -p eth0
Owner's reply

thanks for your comment,
Ussue fixed on v1.5

This plugin is indeed superb.
I found a bug that when using unit=MB for disk usage, the perf data writtens only KB.

So to fix, i made changes on line no. 378 from

$perfdata .= " $mountpoint=$usage$o_unit";


$perfdata .= " $mountpoint=$tmpusage$o_unit;;;0;$tmptotal";

Addition $tmptotal in perf data will set the max MB in the graph.

Let me know,

Owner's reply

thanks for your comment,
Ussue fixed on v1.5

byledistordu, April 25, 2015
I have a perfcounter problem with 1.4.1 :

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ -p sda2,sda5 -I -w 100,70 -c 150,100 [16:04:44]
DISK IO OK |sda2_read=0.00;100;150 sda2_write=0.00;70;100|sda5_read=0.00;100;150 sda5_write=0.00;70;100

Need this result :

DISK IO OK |sda2_read=0.00;100;150 sda2_write=0.00;70;100 sda5_read=0.00;100;150 sda5_write=0.00;70;100
Owner's reply

thanks for your comment,
Ussue fixed on v1.5

byBox293, February 4, 2015
0 of 1 people found this review helpful
I recently tried to email the owner of this plugin however I got the following error:

Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain by [].

The error that the other server returned was:
550 5.2.1 This mailbox has been blocked due to inactivity
bymartinboer, January 5, 2015
I ran into 2 really minor issues;
- Sys:Statistics relies on YAML:Syck, but the plugin doesn't complain if that fails.
- the plugin itself does not mention that the -I option needs 2 -w and -c variables.

and I have a small request as well; on virtual machines using lvm you often have a lot of 'disks' attached but most of them are loopback and virtual devices, if you add an option no-fake-disks-for-me-no-sirree (or a shortcut for that), you could loop through the devices in /sys/block/ and use readlink to remove the virtual devices from the list. This saves a lot of output when you don't want to use -p.
byedrendar, November 21, 2014

First of all, I want to congratulate you on your excellent work with this plugin!
I have a question, I don't understand at all how are obtained the net statistics...
If I check TxBytes in /proc/net/dev to review statistics for bond0, I watch a large number in bytes: 7342573046357

Inter-| Receive | Transmit
face |bytes packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed
bond0:1259548428146 14687025821 0 0 0 0 0 0 7342573046357 15194696711 0 0 0 0 0 0

But, If I check the Nagios web interface, this amount doesn't match with the previous value:
/proc/net/dev = 7342573046357
Nagios Web = 5323572.80B

How the plugin estimate these values on the Nagios web interface?

Thanks in advance.
byfeisar, September 29, 2014

Thanks for the great plugin. If NFS mounts on the system are unresponsive then an unrelated disk check using this plugin times out.

Can this be fixed?
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