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Check a web page contents for specific search terms. Built on check_curl2 posted on Nagios Exchange by nagiosexchange. Added capability to define authentication type, number of apparitions of Grep, header values, HTTP expected code, etc.
Syntax and options:
-Me Protocol (Custom string for request. Available protocols: HTTP, FTP, IMAP, POP3 and SMTP)
-U URL (s)
-A Agent (s)(default: Mozilla/5.0 ... )
-a Authentication (s)(example: '[user]:[password]')
-ao Authentication method to use (example: 'CURLAUTH_DIGEST')
-G Grep page on STRING (s)(can be set multiple times)
-Gn Number of apparitions of Grep
-he Any other tags to be sent in http header. Use multiple times for additional headers (example: 'X-Requested-Auth: Digest')
-L Show page (-)
-F Follow redirects (-)
-I Ignore SSL certificate errors (-)
-X Exclude performance data (default: include)
-Tc Critical page return time (i)
-Tw Warning page return time (i)
-Sbc Critical page size below SIZE (i)
-Soc Critical page size over SIZE (i)
-Sbw Warning page size below SIZE (i)
-Sow Warning page size over SIZE (i)
-S Find string between ARG1 and ARG2, return first match (s s) (example: value=" " )
-T Timeout (i)(default: 10sec)
-O Output Driven Check - Page Should respond with "Status: OK" or otherwise
-hc HTTP expected code (default: 200)
check_curl -U
check_curl -U -he 'X-Requested-Auth: Digest' -ao CURLAUTH_DIGEST -a "USER:PASSWORD" -G searchme -G searchme2
check_curl -U -a "USER:PASSWORD" -G "0 " -Gn 5
Syntax and options:
-Me Protocol (Custom string for request. Available protocols: HTTP, FTP, IMAP, POP3 and SMTP)
-U URL (s)
-A Agent (s)(default: Mozilla/5.0 ... )
-a Authentication (s)(example: '[user]:[password]')
-ao Authentication method to use (example: 'CURLAUTH_DIGEST')
-G Grep page on STRING (s)(can be set multiple times)
-Gn Number of apparitions of Grep
-he Any other tags to be sent in http header. Use multiple times for additional headers (example: 'X-Requested-Auth: Digest')
-L Show page (-)
-F Follow redirects (-)
-I Ignore SSL certificate errors (-)
-X Exclude performance data (default: include)
-Tc Critical page return time (i)
-Tw Warning page return time (i)
-Sbc Critical page size below SIZE (i)
-Soc Critical page size over SIZE (i)
-Sbw Warning page size below SIZE (i)
-Sow Warning page size over SIZE (i)
-S Find string between ARG1 and ARG2, return first match (s s) (example: value=" " )
-T Timeout (i)(default: 10sec)
-O Output Driven Check - Page Should respond with "Status: OK" or otherwise
-hc HTTP expected code (default: 200)
check_curl -U
check_curl -U -he 'X-Requested-Auth: Digest' -ao CURLAUTH_DIGEST -a "USER:PASSWORD" -G searchme -G searchme2
check_curl -U -a "USER:PASSWORD" -G "
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