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4 votes
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  • Nagios 4.x
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This plugin checks the call usage of PBX trunks on AVAYA VOIP S8xxx media servers, accessing Avaya's SNMP agent running with G3-AVAYA-MIB Version 5.1.1. It returns the current number of active trunk lines compared to the total number of lines. They are checked against warning and critical threshold values to identify capacity issues. The data can be graphed for historical trending.
Nagios checks are typically run in 5 minute intervals. Much could happen in between checks, fo example when a lot of short calls are being made. AVAYA's SNMP data provides a different data set with absolute call peaks across all trunks, check_avaya_peaks is the plugin to monitor these. This plugin belongs to a set of 4, written to monitor a Avaya VOIP PBX
Reviews (2)
byLamm, February 18, 2015
Worked for me--OID present, but I had to change the timeout from 15 to 60 (at the top of the PL script)
byehj, November 17, 2012
MiB in the script are not in Avaya

Mine look all like this.
TCP-MIB::tcpConnRemAddress. = IpAddress:
TCP-MIB::tcpConnRemAddress. = IpAddress:
TCP-MIB::tcpConnRemAddress. = IpAddress: