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check_snfs_clients.shPlugin script
check_snfs_clients.phppnp4nagios template
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Nagios plugin for Quantum StorNext Filesystem.

Check internal filesystem latency for clients via Quantum's cvadmin utility. Returns average of all clients as well as lowest / highest client latency with optional DNS name / IP.
Should work with all SNFS versions. Confirmed working with SNFS > 4.1
Returns optional perfdata.
PNP4NAGIOS template., Version 0.4b for Nagios and Quantum StorNext.
-F [-w ] [-c ]
[-e ] [-i] [-p] [-v] [-h] [-V]

Script runs cvadmin on named host and SNFS file system with command
Returns avagage latency of all clients as well as minimal and maximal
latency client. Warns if latency is exceeded by any client.
Warning: Due to the nature of the test this command has a long runtime,
about 2 seconds per FS client.

-H Hostname to run cvadimin on. Defaults to localhost

-F SNFS filesystem to test. Defaults to cvfs01

-w Warning level in us. Has to be lower then critical level.
Defaults to 300

-c Critical level in us. Has to be higher then warning level.
Defaults to 600

-e Path to cvadmin binary. Make sure nagios user may sudo this!
Defaults to /usr/cvfs/bin/cvadmin

-i Do not ignore FSM. By default the file system manger is ignored since
it has localhost latency.

-I IP Mode. Use this when cvadmin is unable to resolve DNS names or output
of full FDQN is preferred. Default off.

-v Verbose summary. Outputs all clients exceeding warning and critical.

-t run internal test case

-T run external test on file

-f Location for temporary file.
Defaults to /tmp/check_snfs_clients.tmp

-p Disable performance data output.

-h Print this usage and exit.

-V Print version info and exit.

EXAMPLE -v -F cvfs01 -w 200