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check mountpoints like nfs, cifs, davfs, lustre, ocf2, etc.

27 votes
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Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
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Check if all specified nfs/cifs/davfs mounts exist and if they are correct implemented. That means we check /etc/fstab, the mountpoints in the filesystem and if they are mounted. It is written for Linux and Solaris, uses proc-Filesystem and was tested on

OpenSuse 10.1 10.2 10.3 11.0, SLES 10.1 11.1
RHEL 5 6 7 8, CentOS 5 6 7 8

# changes 2.6
# - check only dataset type filesystem on zfs
# changes 2.5
# - add -E flag to exclude path
# - add yas3fs
# changes 2.4
# - add support for ext2
# changes 2.3
# - add support for btrfs
See script or github for full list of changes.

Usage: $PROGNAME [-m FILE] $mountpoint [$mountpoint2 ...]
Usage: $PROGNAME -a
Usage: $PROGNAME -h,--help
-m FILE Use this mtab instead (default is /proc/mounts)
-f FILE Use this fstab instead (default is /etc/fstab)
-N NUMBER FS Field number in fstab (default: 3)
-M NUMBER Mount Field number in fstab (default: 2)
-T SECONDS Responsetime at which an NFS is declared as staled (default: 3)
-L Allow softlinks to be accepted instead of mount points
-i Ignore fstab. Don't fail just because mount isn't in fstab. (default: unset)
-a Autoselect mounts from fstab (default: unset)
-A Autoselect from fstab. Return OK if no mounts found. (default: unset)
-E PATH Use with -a or -A to exclude a path from fstab. Use '|' between paths for multiple. (default: unset)
-o When autoselecting mounts from fstab, ignore mounts having
noauto flag. (default: unset)
-w Writetest. Touch file $mountpoint/.mount_test_from_$(hostname) (default: unset)
-e ARGS Extra arguments for df (default: unset)
MOUNTPOINTS list of mountpoints to check. Ignored when -a is given

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# now we check if the given parameters ...
# 1) ... exist in the /etc/fstab
# 2) ... are mounted
# 3) ... df -k gives no stale
# 4) ... exist on the filesystem
# 5) ... is writable (optional)


This plugin is NOT developped by the Nagios Plugin group.
Please do not e-mail them for support on this plugin, since
they won't know what you're talking about.

For contact info, read the plugin itself...
Reviews (22)
byhypnoz, December 2, 2010
0 of 2 people found this review helpful
This was a good starting point, but I think I have improved on this template, while also simplifying it. Check out my modifications.


One of the things I added was a reverse check, ot see if everything mounted on the system is also listed in fstab.
Owner's reply

The link is dead :(

bymomocello, September 4, 2010
2 of 2 people found this review helpful
Nice works,
I did a modification on the file to works on debian lenny.

Replace by
Owner's reply

The new Version 1.1 fix that. Just a little late ;-) Thanks for the hint.

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