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sgichk_cisco_chassis.plnagios plugin
Nagios CSP

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Check chassis health of most cisco devices (fans, power supplies, etc)
Check chassis health of most cisco devices (fans, power supplies, etc)
Reviews (3)
bynishith, February 16, 2016
Working Properly. Below is my output.
./ -H -C public
OK: All Environmental Sensors ok
Switch#1, Fan#1 = Normal
Sw1, PS1 Normal, RPS NotExist = Normal
./ -H -C public
OK: All Environmental Sensors ok
chassis = Normal
chassis = Normal
internal power supply = Normal
redundant power supply = notPresent
./ -H -C public
OK: All Environmental Sensors ok
Switch#1, Fan#1 = Normal
Sw1, PS1 Normal, RPS NotExist = Normal
byLA_Admin, June 30, 2014
Getting it installed was no issue, but when I run the plugin in terminal, I get this:

"ERROR fetching Envmon table: The requested table is empty or does not exist"

I am using an ASA 5512-X. Does that mean the plugin is not compatible with the device, or have I mis-configured?
Hi all,

I can't wait to get this plugin working!, but for some reason (I can't get it working). I am assuming user error as it works via terminal. I set it to be executable, and I get a

(Return code of 127 is out of bounds - plugin may be missing) in nagios.

I have declared it in switch.cfg as:

#cisco Chassis temperature
define service{
use generic-service
host_name VPU Core
service_description Cisco Temps
check_command sgichk_cisco_chassis!-C read

I have declared it in commands.cfg as:
# 'check_enviro' command definition
define command{
command_name sgichk_cisco_chassis
command_line $USER1$/sgichk_cisco_chassis! -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$

When I run it via terminal I get:

libexec# ./ -H -C read
OK: All Environmental Sensors ok
SW#1, Sensor#1, GREEN = 31 = Normal
SW#2, Sensor#1, GREEN = 30 = Normal
Switch#1, Fan#1 = Normal
Switch#1, Fan#2 = Normal
Switch#2, Fan#1 = Normal
Sw1, PS1 Normal, RPS NotExist = Normal
Sw1, PS2 Normal, RPS NotExist = Normal
Sw2, PS1 Normal, RPS NotExist = Normal
Sw2, PS2 Normal, RPS NotExist = Normal
I am sorry. It looks like a great plugin, I just can't figure out how to get it to work. I would like to get it to report on each switch, in nagios 3.3.1. I don't see any specific documentation on how to use it.
Owner's reply

Hmmm, I think maybe you have an extra ! in your command_line? Here's what I'm using for my command config:

# Check ALL environmental sensors for a cisco device
define command{
command_name check-cisco-enviro
command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C $USER3$ -2

The -2 option tells it to use snmp V2 (faster, especially over a WAN).