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Category: Software
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check_squid is a plugin to nagios for monitoring Squid by using squidclient with Memory-Patch (Squid 3.5.20/CentOS 7.3)

Checks supervisorctl for programs that are not in the state of RUNNING. That is to say STOPPED, STARTING, BACKOFF, STOPPING, EXITED, FATAL, UNKNOWN In my implementation requires SUDO to run supervisorctl. To run: ./check_supervisorctl Tested on Cent ...

Checks anything that outputs Test Anything Protocol.

Monitoring plugin to check automatic updates (unattended-upgrades) on Debian / Ubuntu.
ChronoSync Scheduler

Very raw and basic check if ChronoSync Scheduler is active and if one (or more) active scheduled items returned an error on last sync. Any suggestions / improvements are welcome.
FMS monitor

This accepts a file and an FMS URI and pushes the file to it using RTMP. Usage: /home/jess/scripts/ [--debug] Example for rtmp://FMS_HOSTNAME/oflaDemo/ RCs are standard Nagios. Good for Adobe's FMS, Red5, Wowza, basicall ...

HashiCorp Vault Monitoring Tool
ip-label Newtest probe s plugin

this plugin is an plabel newtest plugin in order to integrate and manage probes and test result of newtest probe. with it , you could integrate sla and qoe metrics and status under nagios

This is a collection of Nagios scripts/plugins for monitoring PuppetDB.

Full set of checks for various services including: queues server status aliveness And more to come. Requires python 2.6 and newer. Also requires "easy_install pynagios"

Test SMTP QUEUE ON EXCHANGE 2010 This script will execute the "Get-queue" command and look for how much e-mail are in the queue of the CAS Server.

Newtest is a unique source of information when it comes to performance analytics or troubleshooting application crashes. Adding Newtest to your existing Nagios installation greatly enhances traditional IT Ops analysis, providing unique correlation between ...

This project contains an example bash script that shows how Helix components could be monitored from a Nagios server. The plugin currently checks:
if the P4D server is responding.
if the P4D server license is about to expire.
if the P4D d ...
SAS 9.2 EBI server monitoring plug-in

SAS 9.2 EBI server monitoring plug-in
Simulation using check_linux_raid and mdadm

A step by step guide on using check_linux_raid to test a software RAID device.
Squid Reverse Proxy Checker

Plugin to check the status of a squid reverse proxy accelerator. Written in Bash. Also includes PNP4Nagios template.
SVN Remote Commit Statistics

A small and simple shell script for checking number of svn commits to a remote repository by parsing the commit log.
Travis CI build status

This plugin checks the current build status of a given repository on Travis CI