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This Python script checks status of all Opswise/UAG agents and alerts if any agent is "Offline". Based on Stonebranch's provided CLI program. Used with Nagios Core.
1. Python2.7 or above, but below python3.X. Python module argparse required. Tested on RHEL6.
2. Stonebranch's provided CLI program: ops-agent-status 5.2.0 Level 2 Release Build 141 02/16/15 08:31:07 xps 5.2.0 Level 4 Build 110 02/16/15 08:30:42
1. Make sure you've met the PreReqs. Edit this script and set you python path.
2. Edit this script and set your Opswise environments to variable: parser.add_argument. Sample config provided for environments: dev, test, acc & prod. Add more if needed. Set your port, unless used default (7878).
3. Copy this script and the ops-agent-status program to your Nagios "libexec" dir, making sure appropriate permissions are set for your "nagios" user.
4. Test the script, I.e:
[nagios@nagios_server libexec]$./ ops-agent-status prod
OK: All UAG agents online.
5. If passed, configure Nagios. Example for configs in services.cfg and commands.cfg below.
# Sample config for services.cfg:
#OPSWISE OpsCli command check ops-agent-status:
define service{
use generic-service
name check_opswise_agent-status_prod
host_name opswiseprod1,opswiseprod2
service_description OPSWISE OpsCli command check ops-agent-status
servicegroups prod_group
check_command check_opswise_agent-status_prod!
max_check_attempts 1
check_interval 5
check_period workhours_7-18
contact_groups admins
notifications_enabled 1
notification_options u,c,r
# Sample config for commands.cfg:
define command{
command_name check_opswise_agent-status_prod
command_line $USER1$/ ops-agent-status prod
1. Python2.7 or above, but below python3.X. Python module argparse required. Tested on RHEL6.
2. Stonebranch's provided CLI program: ops-agent-status 5.2.0 Level 2 Release Build 141 02/16/15 08:31:07 xps 5.2.0 Level 4 Build 110 02/16/15 08:30:42
1. Make sure you've met the PreReqs. Edit this script and set you python path.
2. Edit this script and set your Opswise environments to variable: parser.add_argument. Sample config provided for environments: dev, test, acc & prod. Add more if needed. Set your port, unless used default (7878).
3. Copy this script and the ops-agent-status program to your Nagios "libexec" dir, making sure appropriate permissions are set for your "nagios" user.
4. Test the script, I.e:
[nagios@nagios_server libexec]$./ ops-agent-status prod
OK: All UAG agents online.
5. If passed, configure Nagios. Example for configs in services.cfg and commands.cfg below.
# Sample config for services.cfg:
#OPSWISE OpsCli command check ops-agent-status:
define service{
use generic-service
name check_opswise_agent-status_prod
host_name opswiseprod1,opswiseprod2
service_description OPSWISE OpsCli command check ops-agent-status
servicegroups prod_group
check_command check_opswise_agent-status_prod!
max_check_attempts 1
check_interval 5
check_period workhours_7-18
contact_groups admins
notifications_enabled 1
notification_options u,c,r
# Sample config for commands.cfg:
define command{
command_name check_opswise_agent-status_prod
command_line $USER1$/ ops-agent-status prod
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