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Check Printer Toner Cartridge Level via SNMP with local cache

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Nagios Plugin to check the remaining pages (toner) of a printer SNMPv1 also working if the printer is switched off or just just from time to time.
Nagios Plugin to check the remaining pages (toner) of printer SNMPv1

The Plugin supports printers that are offline. To prevent errors the plugin creates a log file to be able to display the last known status about the remaining pages even the printer is switched off. The log file is stored at "/var/log/printerpages_[Host-IP].log"

If the printer is offline, the cached entry from the log file will be pulled. If the printer is online, the live data is used and the log file updated.

The Plugin is using the community strings of common printer models. Tested with a Samsung ML-1865W using SyNagios on a Synology DS116.

Sample output:
1020/1500 pages left in Black Toner S/N :CRUM-15090766415

Usage: ./check_snmp_printer.sh $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$ $ARG2$

$ARG1$ = Warning-Level
$ARG2$ = Critical-Level