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Check for Updates
To check for updates, this script creates an update searcher of anMicrosoft.Update.Session
object and filters for updates, which are
- assigned to the machine (IsAssigned=1)
- are not hidden to the users (IsHidden=0)
- are not yet installed (IsInstalled=0)
Check for Reboot
The check for required reboots is performed using anMicrosoft.Update.SystemInfo
The installation of course depends on your infrastructure. For example, if your running your checks using the NSClient++, you may save the script asC:Program FilesNSClient++scriptscheck_win_updates.wsf
and then add something like that to your C:Program FilesNSClient++nsclient.ini
[/settings/default] timeout = 90 [/settings/external scripts/wrappings] wsf=cscript.exe //T:90 //NoLogo scripts%SCRIPT% %ARGS% [/settings/external scripts/wrapped scripts] check_updates = check_win_updates.wsfThe timeout of 90 seconds is primarily for Windows 7 systems, which actually need a lot of time to search through installed updates... Also make sure that your call of the nrpe tool at the monitoring server waits long enough for the answer! (
.../check_nrpe3 [...] -t 90 [...]
To properly parse the details about pending updates, you may also need to add
[/settings/external scripts/scripts/default] ignore perfdata = trueThis line tells the NSClient++ to not interprete the update details as performance data, and instead just forwards the details.
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