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powershell script to get all disks iops & bytes/s activity in one check.
can be used with nrpe & nsclient and offers graph metrics.
powershell script to get all disks iops & bytes/s activity in one check.
can be used with nrpe & nsclient and offers graph metrics.

uses windows performance counters. since these are OS language dependent, you might adapt the script if you use a non en-us OS.

nsclient.ini config requirements:
allow arguments = true
allow nasty characters = true
[/settings/external scripts]
allow arguments = true
[/settings/external scripts/scripts]
check_diskio = cmd /c echo scriptscheck_diskio.ps1 -show "$ARG1$"; exit($lastexitcode) | powershell.exe -command -

Examples of outputs with a server with C:, D: and E: drives:
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_centreon_nrpe3 -H YOUR-HOST YOUR-NRPE-OPTIONS -c check_diskio -a diskio
OK: e: disk reads/sec = 0 io/s, c: disk reads/sec = 0 io/s, d: disk reads/sec = 0 io/s, e: disk writes/sec = 0 io/s, c: disk writes/sec = 3.01 io/s, d: disk writes/sec = 0 io/s, e: disk read bytes/sec = 0 bytes/s, c: disk read bytes/sec = 0 bytes/s, d: disk read bytes/sec = 0 bytes/s, e: disk write bytes/sec = 0 bytes/s, c: disk write bytes/sec = 77987 bytes/s, d: disk write bytes/sec = 0 bytes/s, |'e: disk reads/sec'=0io/s;0;0 'c: disk reads/sec'=0io/s;0;0 'd: disk reads/sec'=0io/s;0;0 'e: disk writes/sec'=0io/s;0;0 'c: disk writes/sec'=3.00999io/s;0;0 'd: disk writes/sec'=0io/s;0;0 'e: disk read bytes/sec'=0bytes/s;0;0 'c: disk read bytes/sec'=0bytes/s;0;0 'd: disk read bytes/sec'=0bytes/s;0;0 'e: disk write bytes/sec'=0bytes/s;0;0 'c: disk write bytes/sec'=77987bytes/s;0;0 'd: disk write bytes/sec'=0bytes/s;0;0

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_centreon_nrpe3 -H YOUR-HOST YOUR-NRPE-OPTIONS -c check_diskio -a disktime
OK: e: % disk time = 0%, c: % disk time = 1.31%, d: % disk time = 0%, e: % disk read time = 0%, c: % disk read time = 0%, d: % disk read time = 0%, e: % disk write time = 0%, c: % disk write time = 1.31%, d: % disk write time = 0%, e: % idle time = 99.71%, c: % idle time = 99.23%, d: % idle time = 99.71%, |'e: % disk time'=0%;0;0 'c: % disk time'=1.31%;0;0 'd: % disk time'=0%;0;0 'e: % disk read time'=0%;0;0 'c: % disk read time'=0%;0;0 'd: % disk read time'=0%;0;0 'e: % disk write time'=0%;0;0 'c: % disk write time'=1.31%;0;0 'd: % disk write time'=0%;0;0 'e: % idle time'=99.71%;0;0 'c: % idle time'=99.23%;0;0 'd: % idle time'=99.71%;0;0

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_centreon_nrpe3 -H YOUR-HOST YOUR-NRPE-OPTIONS -c check_diskio -a diskavgpercent
OK: e: avg. disk sec/transfer = 0s, c: avg. disk sec/transfer = 0s, d: avg. disk sec/transfer = 0s, e: avg. disk sec/read = 0s, c: avg. disk sec/read = 0s, d: avg. disk sec/read = 0s, e: avg. disk sec/write = 0s, c: avg. disk sec/write = 0s, d: avg. disk sec/write = 0s, |'e: avg. disk sec/transfer'=0s;0;0 'c: avg. disk sec/transfer'=0s;0;0 'd: avg. disk sec/transfer'=0s;0;0 'e: avg. disk sec/read'=0s;0;0 'c: avg. disk sec/read'=0s;0;0 'd: avg. disk sec/read'=0s;0;0 'e: avg. disk sec/write'=0s;0;0 'c: avg. disk sec/write'=0s;0;0 'd: avg. disk sec/write'=0s;0;0