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check_prtdiagPerl script
check_prtdiag.confSample configuration file
check_prtdiag.txtConfiguration file instructions
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Perl script to parse Solaris' prtdiag command output, and raise errors when user defined criterias are not met
It's 100% config-file based, massively using Perl regular expressions and logic, as prtdiag output is very different from one system to another.

Without any parameter, check_prtdiag will launch prtdiag' and parse its output. For testing purposes, you can use the '-v' flag to get more verbose output (on STDERR), or use the '-f ' option to use the content of the specified file as input.
The '-c ' option can be used to specify an alternate location for its configuration file.

See check_prtdiag.txt for details about configuration file format.

The provided sample configuration file includes checks for Enterprise 150, Enterprise 250, Enterprise 450, Enterprise 3000, SunFire 280R, SunFire V120, SunFire V210, SunFire V240, SunFire V440, SunFire V490, SunFire 880 and Ultra 10 systems.