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Plugin to check that all required kernel modules have been loaded.
The check_modules plugin checks that all required kernel modules have been loaded. It has a concept of mandatory and optional modules. If it finds that a mandatory module is missing, then it will raise a critical error. If it finds that new modules have been added, then it raises a warning. Missing optional modules will not cause a warning or a critical error but the return string will list them.

The plugin uses a log file, which it maintains itself and which is located in /var/lib/nagios/logs. The first time the plugin runs it assumes that all the required modules have been loaded and creates the log file. All loaded modules are by default mandatory. By running the plugin with the –optional flag followed by a module name, that module will be classified as optional. Similarly, a module can be made mandatory by running the plugin with the –mandatory flag. The log file can be deleted by running the plugin with the –remove flag.

A kernel module can easily go missing when it is not part of the standard distro, as is often the case with the hardware related sensor modules. A kernel upgrade requires the module to be re-compiled and loaded. This plugin reminds the administrator of such situations.

Nagios Plugin to check that all necessary kernel modules have been loaded

Usage: check_modules --help
check_modules --version
check_modules --remove
check_modules --mandatory [module name ...]
check_modules --optional [module name ...]

--help print help message
--version print version
--remove Remove the log file to start from fresh
--mandatory register a module as a mandatory module. If no module name
has been provided, register all modules as mandatory modules
--optional register a module as an optional module. If no module name
has been provided, register all modules as optional modules

This plugin creates a logfile which has to be writeable by the nagios system.
The full path is: /var/lib/nagios/logs/check_modules

The Nagios check_modules plugin has been developed by 2024Sight (