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AIX 5.3/6.1/7.1 - Check Filesystems

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check_fs_aixCheck script for AIX 5.3,6.1,7.1 or VIOS. Version 0.6
check_aix_disksCheck script for Nagios
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Collection of scripts to monitor file-systems on AIX 5.3, 6.1, 7.1 and VIOS 1-2 operating systems.

The script has features to exclude file-systems and to include only certain types (jfs, nfs, cifs f.ex) of file-systems.

The check includes scripts for remote hosts (AIX or VIOS OS) and Nagios server-side checks.
Collection of scripts I use to monitor AIX/VIOS infrastructure.

### Script for remote AIX/VIOS servers:

I use this script in conjuction with check_aix_disks.
Tested with NRPE 1.9, on AIX 5.3, 6.1, 7.1 and VIOS 2

+ check_fs_aix
+ usage: /usr/nagios/libexec/check_fs_aix options
+ -h Show this message
+ -w Warning level in percentage (without %).
+ -c Critical level in percentage (without %).
+ -p Pattern for filesystem type. Default is jfs* (matches jfs and jfs2).
+ -e List of filesystems that need to be excluded (seperated with whitespaces). Example -e "/ /tmp /etc" for excluding /, /tmp and /etc filesystems.
+ -v verbose output (all filesystem status OK;WARNING;CRITICAL)

### Script for your Nagios servers:

+ usage: ./check_aix_disks options

Nagios check plugin for check_fs_aix.

Prerequisite: Remote AIX/VIOS server needs to use check_fs_aix with -v flag enabled.

+ -h Show this message
+ -r Remote hostname
+ -x Remote command of check_fs_aix (with -v flag)
+ -w Default warning level in percentage (without %).
+ -c Default critical level in percentage (without %).
+ -f Define forced threshold for filesystems. Ex. "/var:95:99 /tmp:96:99".
+ -v verbose output (all filesystem status OK;WARNING;CRITICAL)

### Examples of Nagios usage:

## HOST:
define host{
use critical-host
host_name server1
alias server1 (SAP Production)
parents sw_central_1
icon_image vendors/aix.png
icon_image_alt AIX 7.1 (SAP Production And DB)
vrml_image vendors/aix.png
statusmap_image vendors/aix.gd2
notes_url http://servermanager/?search=$HOSTNAME$
_SID strauss.sam
_FORCEDDISKOPT -f "/oracle/XXX/sapdata1:95:97 /tmp:95:97"


define command{
command_name check_aix_disks
command_line $USER1$/check_aix_disks -r $HOSTADDRESS$ -x $ARG1$ $_HOSTFORCEDENTRIESAIX$

## Service:

define service {
use critical-service
hostgroups unix-servers # I use groups.
service_description FILESYSTEMS
check_command check_aix_disks!check_fs_verbose!_FORCEDENTRIESAIX