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This is a simple, bash-based plugin to query and/or set the power state of a VMware ESX virtual machine.

Full details are at the download site, including help output.
Reviews (1)

please correct your info. I just wrote a very simple perl script that checks the power status of vms and the results are quite telling.

$ time ./check_vmware_status -H -n centos1
OK: centos1 is powered on.

real 0m1.268s

$ time perl simpleperlscript --config ~/.visdk/visdkrc_esx_home --vmname centos1
centos1 is poweredOn

real 0m0.384s

Which is not at all surprising because the perl sdk is really fast. This is the code:

This vmware api will always be faster than ssh commands. Plus you do not need to mess with ssh keys or open firewall ports. Installing the vmware perl sdk is a matter of copying two files in fact (first download the sdk from the vmware site (, untar and copy to /usr/local/lib/perl/{perl_version}

This step only happens on the nagios host and your workstation where you write the scripts, so much easier.
Owner's reply

Thank you for the comparison. I will edit my information.

However, I do think that there is a place for this check, especially since it's so brain dead simple and does not rely on Perl, which can be cumbersome to set up and maintain, and also potentially difficult to install on embedded systems. This will work with anything that has an SSH client.

Feel free to not use it if you have something that works better for you.