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check_snmp_esx_snapshots - under construction

Current Version
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Compatible With
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
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Inspired by "jacob"'s and "lahrcm" script check_snmp_snapshot.sh.

Nagios check script for vmware snapshots sizes add the following to your ESX server in the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf and restart the snmpd deamon

exec . snapshots /etc/snmp/snapshots.sh

If that OID is in use, increment the last number and modify the 'snmpwalk' line accordingly snapshot.sh should contains these lines.

/usr/bin/find /vmfs/volumes/ -name '*delta*.vmdk' -printf %f' '%s'n'

make sure it's executable by using the following command

chmod a+x /etc/snmp/snapshots.sh

Call this command as follows:

check_snmp_esx_snapshots.sh [devicename] [snmp read community] [crit]

The script support a WARNING, CRITICAL,UNKNOWN and OK level. Tested with ESX 3.5 and Nagios 2/3.
This shell script uses the output of the "find" command (published via snmp to avoid check_by_ssh or NRPE) to locate all the existing snapshots. It checks the size of each snapshot and based on your criteria sends a CRITICAL or OK status. Helps find forgotten snapshots that are growing out of control before they become a problem.