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check_unifi.php Popular

11 votes
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Nagios Plugin to check a Ubiquiti Unifi Controller (Accesspoints, Switches and Clients).
If you find a bug or have a request, write me an email:

You need to install php-curl and php Version above 7.2

Thanks to
API Version 1.1.90


Support for UniFi OS-based controllers (UniFi Dream Machine Pro or Cloud Key Gen2/Cloud Key Gen2 Plus with firmware version 2.0.24 or higher) has been added as of API version 1.1.47. The class automatically detects UniFi OS devices and adjusts URLs and several functions/methods accordingly. If your own code applies strict validation of the URL that is passed to the constructor, please adapt your logic to allow URLs without a port suffix when dealing with a UniFi OS-based controller.
In case of my script use -P 443 and -s

NEW API Version

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -H -P 8443 -u nagios -p nagios -s -m uplink -a AP02 -w 200 -c 100
OK - Uplink: AP01 - signal=-67% tx_rate=234 Mbps rx_rate=526.5 Mbps | tx_rate=234;rx_rate=526.5;signal=67

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -H -P 8443 -u nagios -p nagios -s -m cpu -a AP02 -w 80 -c 90
OK - 10.4% (load average: 0.01, 0.05, 0.05) | load=0.01;;;; load5=0.05;;;; load15=0.05;;;;

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -a AP01 -m cpu% -w 75 -c 90
OK - 3.0% | cpu=3.0%;75;90;0;100

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -a AP01 -m load -w 1,1,1 -c 2,2,2
OK - load average: 0.02, 0.04, 0.01 | load=0.02;1;2;; load5=0.04;1;2;; load15=0.01;1;2;;

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -H -P 8443 -u nagios -p nagios -s -m ap -w 0 -c 1
OK - AP []: 3 (Online: 3, Offline: 0) | AP=3 Online=3 Offline=0;0;1;;

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -H -P 8443 -u nagios -p nagios -s -m switch -c 0
OK - Switch []: 1 (Online: 1 / Offline: 0) | Switch=1 Online=1 Offline=0;0;0;;

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m mem -a AP03 -w 80 -c 90
OK - 54.09 MB | Total=122.66MB;98.13;110.39;0;122.66 Used=54.09MB;;;; Free=40.37MB;;;; Caches=28.20MB;;;;

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m mem% -a AP03 -w 80 -c 90
OK - 44.10% (54.09 MB) | Total=100%;80;90;0;100 Used=44.10%;;;; Free=32.91%;;;; Caches=22.99%;;;;

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -a AP01 -m clients_name_guest
OK - Clients []: 5/User:5/Guest:0 (2GHz: 2/U:2/G:0, 5GHz: 3/U:3/G:0) MACBOOK(5) VIRTUAL-WLAN(5) CAM01(2) TABLETT04(5) PRS01(2) | Clients=5;;;; 2GHz=2 5GHz=3

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -a AP01 -m channels
OK - 2GHz: auto (11(13,-1)) HT40 - 5GHz: auto (58(64,-1)) VHT80| 2GHz=11 5GHz=58

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -a AP01 -m transfer
OK - RX: 5,09 Mbit - TX: 166,84 Kbit | RX=5215,38Kbit;;;; TX=166,84Kbit;;;;

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -a AP01 -m experience -w 30 -c 20
OK - WIFI Experience: 99% | Experience=99%;30;20;;

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -a AP01 -m utilisation -w 75,75 -c 85,85
OK - 2GHz Utilized: 11% (RX Frames: 9%, TX Frames: 1%, Interference: 1%) - 5GHz Utilized: 8% (RX Frames: 6%, TX Frames: 2%, Interference: 0%)| 2GHz=11;75;85;; RX=9;;;; TX=1;;;; Interference=1 5GHz=8;75;85;; RX=6;;;; TX=2;;;; Interference=0

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m update -a AP02 -w 1,1,1 -c 1,5,10
CRITICAL - firmware upgradable from version to

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m site
Site ID | Site Name
default |
a3uobpaz | Test

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -H -P 8443 -s -u nagios -p nagios -S default -m uptime -a AP01
OK - UniFi AP-AC-Lite [] - 0 days, 3 hours, 44 mins.| Uptime=13445

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m client_transfer+ -a PC05 -r 0
OK - RX: 2.743 KB/s - TX: 16.066 KB/s (AP: AP03) | RX=2.743KByte;;;; TX=16.066KByte;;;;

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m client_uplink -a MACBOOK
OK - Uplink: JHSAP01 (JH/ 5GHz) - signal: -78% TX: 650 Mbps RX: 260 Mbps | TX=650;0;0;; RX=260;0;0;; Signal=78

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m client_uptime -a PHONE04
OK - 0 days, 0 hours, 18 mins.| Uptime=1124

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m clients_count_guest
OK - Clients []: 13/ User:11/ Guest:2 (2GHz: 8/U:8/G:0, 5GHz: 5/U:3/G:2) | Clients=13;;;; 2GHz=8;;;; 5GHz=5;;;; User=11;;;; 2GhzU=8;;;; 5GhzU=3;;;; Guest=0;;;; 2GhzG=0;;;; 5GhzG=2;;;;

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m clients_all
OK - Clients []: 32 (Wired: 21, Wifi: 11) | Clients=32;;;; Wired=21;;;; Wifi=11;;;;

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m ap_unifi_name -w 0 -c 1
WARNING - AP: 4 (Online: 3, Offline: 1 (AP03-OLD)) | AP=4 Online=3 Offline=1;0;1;;

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m clients_count_ssid -a WLAN
OK - SSID WLAN Client: 12 (2GHz: 7, 5GHz: 5) | Clients=12;;;; 2GHz=7 5GHz=5

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m clients_wifi
OK - WiFi [default]: 13 (WiFi6=1, WiFi5=3, WiFi4=8) | WiFi=13;;;; WiFi6=1 Wifi5=3 WiFi4=8

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m ap_unifi_name -w 0 -c 1 -a AP02-OLD,AP03-OLD
WARNING - AP: 3 (Online: 3, Offline: 0 | AP=3 Online=3 Offline=1;0;1;;

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -a PHONE01 -m client_experience -w 30 -c 20
OK - WIFI Experience: 99% | Experience=99%;30;20;;

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m udm_temperature -a DREAMMACHINE -w 55,50,55 -c 60,60,60
WARNING - Temperature (CPU: 53 °C , Local: 50.75 °C , PHY: 53 °C) | CPU=53;55;60;; Local=50.75;50;60;; PHY=53;55;60;;

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m lte -a LTEPRO
OK - LTE eutran-20 [o2 - de+] | connected=1

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m lte_uplink -a LTEPRO -w -90,-15,-100 -c -100,-20,-110
CRITICAL - LTE-Uplink - RSSI: -80 dBm, RSRQ: -12 db, RSRP: -113dBm | RSSI=-80;-90;-100;; RSRQ=-12;-15;-20;; RSRP=-113;-100;-110;;

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m lte_failover -a LTEPRO
OK - mode failover: off | failover=-a LTEPRO

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m alarms_count
OK - no active Alarms (Archiv: 403) | Alarms=0;;;;

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m clients_ssid -r 1 -i
WARNING - SSID Clients [] - JH: 8, GUEST(G): enabled, CAM: 2 | Total=10 JH=8 GUEST=0 CAM=2

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -C -m switch_transfer+ -a SWITCH01 -n 3
OK - Port 3: NAS-LAN (1000 Mbit/s) - rx: 71.446 KB/s - tx: 2.301 MB/s | rx=71.446KB;;;; tx=2356.719KB;;;;
Reviews (7)
byTotter, January 8, 2024
What a great script. It works like a charm and is easy to understand!
I especially love the ability to check for updates ready to be installed. One minor thing is that I haven't been able to get warnings when you run Early Access update channel for your devices. But maybe it will come in a later version? :-)
At any rate I highly recommend this script as it is by far the best way I have seen to integrate Ubiquiti/Unifi to nagios.
I tried to checkout this script on weekend but sadly on X-Mas the Whois entry of download URL was updated to some weird state - only NS entries are there, nothing more, so I even can't contact by email.
And sadly there is no alternate download possible like here or github so I could only hope that it would be fixed when recognized.
From uses PHP-client API the browser version looks very impresse what can bei all requested and monitored.
Bests Reiner
Owner's reply

Sorry, i wasn't a long time here, i have corrected it.

How to get it working with UniFi-CloudKey-Gen2-Plus? I can see from the review on February 5, 2021, that the user darco was able to get it working with Gen2 CloudKey. But unfortunately darco didn't specify, how he got it working...

What I do know is that Gen2 is not using port 8443 anymore, but access is done straight to HTTPS/443 port.

And I'm able to query the device info from the browser from:
Owner's reply

Please download the new Version 1.20210507
If it function please give me a feedback to, thanks

bySysAdmRBE, April 22, 2021
Is it possible to get the total number of connected wifi clients with a nagios/centreon compatible check? The console check works fine but it would be great to get a counter inside the monitoring system.
Owner's reply

it's implementated in the new version 1.20210427

why "OK" the "Current Status:" on the nagios webgui?

Current Status: OK (for 0d 3h 58m 35s)
Status Information: WARNING - Online: 1 - Offline: 1
Performance Data: AP=2 Online=1 Offline=1;0;1;;

the query is correct:

/usr/bin/php ./check_unifi.php -H -u admin -p ********- -P 8443 -s -m ap -w 0 -c 1

WARNING - Online: 1 - Offline: 1 | AP=2 Online=1 Offline=1;0;1;;
Owner's reply

The error has been corrected in the current version 1.20210308.

bydarco, February 5, 2021
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Thank you very much!!
I've just tested with UniFi-CloudKey-Gen2-Plus
byjohnripper, December 24, 2020
1 of 2 people found this review helpful
Downloaded the files and adjusted the clients.php
But then the skript does nothing. I can even use the example:
# usr/bin/php usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_unifi.php -H -u USER -p PASS -P 8443 -s -m uplink -a AP01 -w 200 -c 100
And get nothing.
Any ideas?
(sorry, rating required)
Owner's reply

Unfortunately I don't know which version is in use. A config.php is no longer required.