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SNMP Counter

3 votes
check_snmp_counter-0.6.tar.gzsnmp counter
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What this program does is look at the host & oid you give it, and check what the counter value is.
If it is outside the range you specify by and , it will return 'warning' or 'critical', depending on what values it exceeds.

In order to notice changes in counter values, it stores the last values in a file called -. The first line of this file is the last time the script was run, then the host's last uptime, and each subsequent line of file is the index number and last counter value.

Sometimes, this file will need to be wiped. There are two cases for this:

1) the host's uptime goes backwards
2) the number of indexes changes (often denotes a hardware change)
Reviews (1)
This plugin has bugs. Type counters are gets by the usual check_snmp with the "--rate" option, which enable rate calculation. Output "SNMP RATE OK - 598.41"