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APC PDU Monitoring - updated

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Ruby port and update of rouven's APC PDU Monitoring plugin.
I took p_view=304 rouven's plugin">http://www.nagiosexchange.org/SNMP.51.0.html?tx_netnagext_pi1p_view=304 rouven's plugin and ported it to Ruby. I emailed him, intending to submit my code to him.

rouven has not replied, so I decided to create this (temporary) Nagios Exchange project. I hope you find this plugin helpful.

Runtime dependencies:
* Ruby
* My version: 1.8.6
* rubygems
* My version: 0.9.4
* snmp
* My version: 1.0.1
* mocha (for testing)
* My version: 0.5.2
* PowerNet MIB">http://www.apcc.com/tools/download/software_comp.cfm?sw_sku=SFPMIB386 APC PowerNet MIB. Registration required.
* My version: 3.8.5

Here's a sample Nagios configuration:

define command{

command_name check_snmp_apc_pdu
command_line ruby $USER1$/check_snmp_apc_pdu.rb -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C public

To run test suite:
gem install snmp mocha
cd check_snmp_apc_pdu
ruby test/test_suite.rb

License: GPL

I would like to thank http://www.cisco.com Cisco for allowing me to submit my code back to the community.