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APAN check mem usage and check net usage

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snmp_control.shSNMP Control BETWEEN RANGS AND %
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Adds new functions to the nagios plugin check_mem_usage and net_usage, adding porcentages and ranges. It could be useful for other implementations only making the call with other OID'S in the apan.cfg
MEM_USAGE: 0 and 30 are two percentages. If you use more than 0% of your MemTotalSwap plugin generates a warning and if you use more than 30% of emTotalSwap plugin generates a critical. If you don\\\\\\\'t use swap state is OK.

define service{

use generic-service
host_name x
service_description memory-usage-2
is_volatile 0
contact_groups tests
check_command apan!control_snmp!0!30


NET USAGE: There are two values of bandwith that determine if you have a warning or a critical

# max1= 50kBs max2= 150kBs
define service{

use generic-service
host_name x
service_description net-usage-2
is_volatile 0
contact_groups tests
check_command apan!control_snmp_net!51300!153600
normal_check_interval 3


You have to add the plugin where you have the other plugins of apan, in my case (/usr/local/nagios/apan/plugs). An in the config file of apan (apan.sh in my case in /usr/local/nagios/apan):

control_snmp) snmp_memory $5 $6

control_snmp_net) snmp_net $5 $6

I use this oids with a DELL PowerEdge, but you can use these plugin for other issues, only changing the oid's that you pass.

APAN.CFG (/etc/nagios):
COMMUNITY:.|COMMUNITY:.;memAvailReal:LINE2 memShared:LINE2 memBuffer:LINE2 memCached:LINE2 memAvailSwap:LINE2 memTotalSwap:LINE2;MemFree;MB

IN:LINE2 OUT:LINE2;Network throughput;Bytes/sek;