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Check NTPd output for minimum number of servers, reach, and at least one selected time server.
This nagios check determines the health of NTPd on a system by calculating the overall health of the peers associated with the daemon. This check also verifies other attributes, such as the number of peers available, and whether a peer has been selected to be the sync source. The overall health percentage is a cumulative average of the reach over the peers.

Example: If 3 peers are listed, and 1 of the 3 dropped 2 of the last 8 packets, the health of that peer would be 75%, and the overall health would be about 92% ((100 + 100 + 75) / 3).

Available Options:
--critical|-c -Set the critical threshold for overall health (default:50)
--warning|-w -Set the warning threshold for overall health (default:75)
--peer_critical -Set the critical threshold for number of peers (default:1)
--peer_warning -Set the warning threshold for number of peers (default:2)
--help|-h -display this help
Reviews (2)
As described in the nagios guidlines (, pipe characters should only be used when defining performance data. Otherwise, it brakes the performance data and also the UI.
In this case, at line 146, I have replaced the "|" caracter with "/".
bymdella, September 29, 2014
2 of 2 people found this review helpful
So far we have run across several of our servers that for whatever reason, never correctly connected with their NTP servers. The result was that ntpq -p returned "No Association" as its result which created a false positive since this script didn't recognize the failure case.

Added at line 36:
} elsif($server_list[$i] =~ /^No association/) {
splice(@server_list, $i, 1);

to deal with this edge case
Owner's reply

Thanks! I've updated the plugin as you've suggested.