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check_bw_v2.shcheck_bw - v1.2
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Check Bandwidth Bandwidth Calculator based on meshuggah -,-Stats-and-Bandwidth/check_bandwidth/details Based on Cisco Document ID: 8141 A simple script to calculate input or output bandwidth usage based on a snmp v1, v2c and v3 data First Relase Date 2013-06-10 Requirements: Bc, snmpwalk meshuggah tested it only on my Nagios 3.x environment TcoUpLoad tested it only on my Nagios 4.x environment
Check Bandwidth
Bandwidth Calculator based on meshuggah -,-Stats-and-Bandwidth/check_bandwidth/details

Based on Cisco Document ID: 8141

A simple script to calculate input or output bandwidth usage based on a snmp v1, v2c and v3 data
First Relase Date 2013-06-10
Requirements: Bc, snmpwalk

** Hostname, speed, version, interface, polling time and mode parameters are mandatory

Usage: -H hostname -b connectionspeed -v snmp version [<-u snmp v3 user -L snmp level (noAuthNoPriv|authNoPriv|authPriv)> || <-C community>] [-a Auth Encryption -A Auth password] [-x Priv Encryption -X Priv password] ] -m input|output -i interface -p time(s)

####List of Available Parameters
-H Hostname of snmp you want to check
-b Maximum speed of your connection in Mb/s (this script is intended to work with synchronous connections)
-v (1|2c|3) Snmp version
-m (input|output) Specify the direction of the bandwidth you want to check
-u snmp v3 user
-L snmp level (noAuthNoPriv|authNoPriv|authPriv)
-a Auth Encryption
-A Auth password
-x Priv Encryption
-X Priv password
-C (some text here) Specify the name of the community associated with your host
-i (Interface Name) Specify the interface name that you want to monitor (eg: gi1/0/50)
-w (optional) set the warning parameter in Mb/s that is going to be passed to nagios
-c (optional) set the critical parameter in Mb/s that is going to be passed to nagios
-h Print this help screen
-p Polling Time in second

meshuggah tested it only on my Nagios 3.x environment
TcoUpLoad tested it only on my Nagios 4.x environment