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MRV TS5000 rssi check

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check_mrv_rssi.plThe check plugin
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Nagios plugin for checking FSO wireless device MRV-TS-5000B (http://www.mrv.com/product/MRV-TS-5000B)
This perl plugin checks RSSI value and adds information about temperature.
RSSI indicates if the FSO is still capable of stable network connection.


-- output from check when executed from shell
$ /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_mrv_rssi.pl -H 10.102.xxx.xxx -w 100
OK - RSSI value: 836.08 (Temperature: 28.12 C)

-- usage
$ /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_mrv_rssi.pl -h

This Plugin is design for return RSSI from MRV device

-H (--hostname) Hostname to query - (required)
-c (--critical) critical treshold - (optional)
-w (--warning) warning treshold - (required)
-h (--help) usage help

-- If specified, critical value should be lower than warning value, like this:

$ /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_mrv_rssi.pl -H 10.102.xxx.xxx -w 900 -c 800
WARNING - RSSI value: 841.18 (Temperature: 26.17 C)

It is possible this script works with other MRV "TereScopes", but not tested.
Here is live example: http://monitor.klfree.net/nagios2/cgi-bin/status.cgi?hostgroup=MRV+pojitka&style=detail (login guest, password is not set)