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Greenplum DCA SNMP Plugin

Current Version
Last Release Date
Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
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The DCA Nagios plug-in enables you to monitor the Greenplum Data Computing Appliance (DCA) and detect problems before and as they occur. The DCA Nagios plug-in leverages the DCA SNMP MIB that provides extensive information about the Greenplum DCA including the Greenpum Database, Greenplum Hadoop, and the associated servers and switches that comprise the Greenplum DCA.
This Nagios plug-in enables Nagios to monitor the status of the Greenplum Data Computing Appliance (DCA). The plug-in uses SNMP to communicate with the Greenplum Master and retrieve status information about various components of the DCA. Greenplum DCA Software or greater is required.

The associated URL refers to a White Paper that describes the plug-in and provides examples of its use.

This plug-in is unsupported by EMC and is supplied "as is". It is intended as a reference to help customers implement monitoring of the Greenplum DCA in their Nagios environments. Customers are encouraged to expand and enhance the plug-in as required for their own use. Future enhancements or changes to the DCA SNMP MIB may not be compatible with this version of the plug-in.