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4D Server

Current Version
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Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
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check if 4D Server is alive
for 4D Server v12 or newer (should be compatible with v11, but not tested)

tries to access 4D Server using UDP and checking answer. (correct answer contain computer and database name)

if OK returns as Nagios answer OK + computer and database name

Usage: check_4DServer.php 19813
For testing if 4D Server is alive please only use UDP access, not trying TCP (as another Nagios plugin is doing, this may overload the server).

4D Server provides a service for such tests, if it receives a 96 Byte UDP package, with 32 times chr(0), then "4D Server II" (filled up to 32 bytes) and 32 times chr(0), it answers with a 96 Byte package, filling the first last last part with computer name and database name.

This service allows to check if 4D Server is alive and accepting Client connections. If there is no answer or the answer is not correct, this script will return Critical, else OK with the received names.
Reviews (1)
byTera-Two, April 23, 2015
Good job man, it works very well for me on with a 4D V12.5 server.
Do you know how we could modify it to work if the 4D Database is not published ?