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Logs onto a remote network device, executes native ping command and parses the results.
To avoid establishing hundreds of telnet sessions to the same device and to circumvent CLI session limits imposed by some platforms (ie. Cisco IOS's 5 vtys), pinging is done by a background process ('daemon') started once per network device. Each daemon will keep a CLI session open as long as there are checks to be performed. If left idle, daemons will die out after a (configurable) period of inactivity. This way, all checks performed by one device are controlled by a single remote CLI session as long as those checks are not too far apart.


* Supports several platforms including (but not limited to) ios, iosxr and junos and is easily extensible.
* Supports pinging inside VRFs and source address/interface selection along with other, more common parameters like ping timeout, packet count and size.
* No 'exotic' Perl modules required - depends only on most common ones.