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Check OpCache Status

Check PHP OpCache Status and display some performance data.

Script for checking status of IPVS (IP Virtual Server) nodes through NRPE and reports if both nodes are in MASTER or BACKUP state due to network outages.

Just executes "dmraid -s" and see if status is "ok" or "inconsistent".

A plugin to parse data returned from a nmap scan

Checks if the host's keepalived process is in MASTER or BACKUP state
Check OnApp Ghosts

Check if a virtual machine(VM) is running on more than one hypervisor(HV). Check if a VM's network interface exists on more than one HV. Check if an VM's ip address exists on more than one HV. Check for unknown iptables entries on HVs.

Check if there are missing directories in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor. The script just check if there is a directory for every day in a given period of time. We assume there is at least one record call every day.