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Tutorial to monitor AROS & APC UPS-s via SNMP with NAGI...

Monitoring the Cisco CallManager and CallManager Expres...

This tutorial will show you how to:
- Activate SNMP service on your CCM or CCME.
- Verify with Nagios the CCM or CCME.
Check_snmp INVERTER

The purpose of this plug-in is to invert the output of the "check_snmp" plug-in when you need to check an inverted scale. For example, one needs to know when the input voltage of an UPS drops to zero => an error, as the power line is in fault, but not ha ...
Check the QoS service on your provider.

This plugin is useful if you want to check the QoS rules provided by your ISP. It can be used for example to check the VoIP rules in your contract by tagging your packet to the specific type of service.
Local / remote check the windows logs via WMI

Check Windows logs for errors and warnings on a local or on a network machine. On a network machine the script does not need a client installed! It checks for critical or warnings in the last 24H.
Nagios and Raspberry PI

A small tutorial on how to install and run Raspberry PI and Nagios on Debian “squeeze” 6