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Directory Tree

check_network_transfer checks the network Transfer over eth card. and sends the alerts if the thresholds are breached.
Hadoop Blacklisted Nodes

This plug in checks the Hadoop Blacklisted Nodes from the the Job Tracker web UI page i.e. The plugin returns Critical alarm - if Not able to access the Job Tracker Status Page, Warning alarm - one or more node got black ...
Cassandra number of nodes (live) in Ring

This Plug-in monitors the Cassandra Cluster for number of nodes Up and running.
Cassandra GC Collection

#This Plug-in monitors Cassandra ConcurrentMarkSweep Garbage Collection happening in particuler duration ; # This take four parameters as input # 1) -d Duration within which the count needs to be monitores (in seconds ) # 2) -f Log file location of c ...
Cassandra number of pending operations in tpstats

This Plugin Checks the number of pending operations in tpstat and if the pending operations across all Stages are greater than provided thresholds it generates an alert.
Cassandra number of read and write operations in a give...

This Plug-in monitors Cassandra number of read and write operations in a given time period, i.e. Read operations per second / write Operations per second. it fetches WriteOperations or ReadOperations from Nagios JMX plugin and stores the values with ti ...
Cassandra unreachable nodes

#This Plug-in monitors the Unreachable nodes in Cassandra Ring; using nodetool ring command
Cassandra GC Collection - Time taken

#This Plug-in monitors Cassandra ConcurrentMarkSweep Garbage Collection happening in particuler duration ; # This take four parameters as input # 1) -d Duration within which the count needs to be monitores (in seconds ) # 2) -f Log file location of c ...