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Exchange 2010/2013 Message Tracking Logs

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  • Nagios Log Server
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Exchange 2010/2013 Message Tracking Logs
This dashboard monitors the Message Tracking Logs in Exchange 2010 onwards.

I can't take credit for developing this, I just adapted it for NLS - Original creator here: https://elijahpaul.co.uk/analysing-exchange-2013-message-tracking-logs-using-elk-elasticsearch-logstash-kibana/
This dashboard monitors the Message Tracking Logs in Exchange 2010 onwards.

I can't take credit for developing this, I just adapted it for NLS.

Original creator as follows:

Setup an Input Filter on NLS with the following;

tcp {
type => 'exchange'
port => 5141

Install NXLog on Exchange CAS and add the following to conf file;

define BASEDIR C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14TransportRolesLogsMessageTracking

Module im_file
File '%BASEDIR%MSGTRK????????*-*.LOG'
SavePos TRUE
Exec if $raw_event =~ /HealthMailbox/ drop();
Exec if $raw_event =~ /^#/ drop();
Exec $type = 'Exchange';

Module om_tcp
Host host.ip.address.here
Port 5141
Exec $SyslogFacilityValue = 2;
Exec $SourceName = 'Exchange';

Path in_exchange => out_exchange

Setup a filter on NLS with the following;

if [type] == 'exchange' {
csv {
add_tag => [ 'exh_msg_trk' ]
columns => [ 'date-time', 'client-ip', 'client-hostname', 'server-ip', 'server-hostname', 'source-context', 'connector-id', 'source', 'event-id', 'internal-message-id', 'message-id', 'recipient-address', 'recipient-status', 'total-bytes', 'recipient-count', 'related-recipient-address', 'reference', 'message-subject', 'sender-address', 'return-path', 'message-info', 'directionality', 'tenant-id', 'original-client-ip', 'original-server-ip', 'custom-data' ]
separator => ','
remove_field => [ 'date-time' ]
grok {
match => [ 'message', '%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}' ]
mutate {
convert => [ 'total-bytes', 'integer' ]
convert => [ 'recipient-count', 'integer' ]
split => [ 'recipient-address', ';']
split => [ 'source-context', ';' ]
split => [ 'custom-data', ';' ]
if '_csvparsefailure' in [tags] {
drop { }
if '_grokparsefailure' in [tags] {
drop { }

You will need to modify the "host" section in the nxlog file.
You will need to modify the query strings in the JSON file attached to match your "server/client hostnames" and also your "connector-id" to make your Exchange config.
You will need to make sure Message Tracking Logging is turned on in Exchange, just google if unsure on how to do.
You will need to open up the ports on the firewall on the NLS to connect into port 5141.
You can use UDP if you prefer.