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nwsc.tgzNagios Windows Service Checker
Nagios CSP

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nwsc enables you to check as many windows hosts through Nagios as you like without installing any software on these machines.
This project was inspired by nagios-wsc-v0.8. But since that was written as a .NET-Webservice it wasn't really what we wanted. So we wrote a pure Perl Windows Service nwsc (nagios windows service checker), which does more or less the same: It enables you to check as many windows hosts through Nagios as you like without installing any software on these machines.

You only have to install the Windows Service nwsc on ONE Windows host, which can reach all the other windows hosts to be checked. nwsc uses WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) to retrieve information from the other windows hosts. Possible checks are: Check for any windows services, Check for any Win32_Class, Check for uptime, Check for disk space, Check for ... (as you like, just ask us to implement it)

The retrieved information is interpreted by a Nagios Plugin
check_nwsc, which has to be integrated in your Nagios Server.

This project is licensed under the GPL V2.

Get the actual source:

cvs -d co nwsc