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Nagios CSP

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Using this plugin, you will be able to get CPU and Memory usage for your services and build performance data for graphing in OP5. Additionally, passing warning and critical thresholds will allow for alerting if those thresholds are passed.
Using this plugin, you will be able to get CPU and Memory usage for your services and build performance data for graphing in OP5. Additionally, passing warning and critical thresholds will allow for alerting if those thresholds are passed.

Here is what the basic usage for this plugin looks like: -H -u -P -S <-C or -M or -S> -w -c

When using arguments -C -M or -S . For CPU and Memory you must pass -w thresholds. The -S does not need the threshold options, output will show all stats of service passed along with whether the service is running. Note: Performance data is only created for -C and -M .

Here are some examples of check commands:

Services being monitored by Monit:

./ -H -u -P

This check will just output all the services that Monit is monitoring to OP5 or Nagios

Apache CPU Usage:

./ -H -u -P -s httpd -C -w 40 -c 50

MySQL Memory Usage:

./ -H -u -P -s httpd -C -w 40 -c 50

For -w and critical thresholds enter integer between [0-100]