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TAP Gateway

Current Version
Last Release Date
Compatible With
  • Nagios XI
Nagios CSP

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TAP Gateway
TAP Gateway interfaces Nagios XI to a Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol (TAP) provider for critical, out-of-band, network alerts.
The TAP Gateway component integrates QuickPage (qpage) with Nagios XI allowing critical message alerts to be sent out-of-band.

TAP Gateway uses a standard modem and analog (POTS) phone line and does not depend on your network functioning in order to send alerts. This means that even if your entire network is down, you will still be able to receive alerts from Nagios XI. What's the sense of monitoring switches, core routers, firewalls, or internet connectivity if Nagios cannot alert you to trouble should they fail?

The TAP Gateway component also supports the TAP Gateway service ( which is a TAP to SMS gateway provider that supports all US cellular phone carriers, even those that don't offer their own TAP access number, such as T-Mobile and Google Voice.