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Radius Check

Simple plugin to check radius server. Written in GO for portability and speed

This is a Perl CGI which allows you to easily enable/disable service checks remotely (using wget or a web browser).

SNClient+ is a secure general purpose monitoring agent designed as replacement for NRPE and NSClient++.
Splunk Deployment Server Check

If you use Forwarder Management (also known as Deployment Server) to configure your infrastructure, you really want to make sure your Clients/Forwarders are up-and-running. This Powershell Script will check that all clients which logged into Deploymen ...
Splunk Forwarder Mangement Client check

The Nagios plugin ensures that all your clients (Indexers, Search Heads, Forwarders) are running at least the defined Splunk version. Otherwise an error will be generated.
Splunk license usage check

You want to keep an eye on the license usage, as 5 warnings of the daily indexing volume using the enterprise license or 3 warnings using the free license will cause a license violation. A license violation will deactivate Splunk searches but not the i ...
SRX Chassis Cluster Check

a little Nagios check script that I wrote to hook into our in-house Nagios monitoring platform. It makes sure the chassis cluster has not failed over operating in a degraded state, and makes sure that there are two BGP peers connected. Note: Might ha ...

SWAT - Simple Web Application Test (API).
SWAT provides DSL to easily write smoke tests for web application and also command line tool to run such a tests. Test results are provided in TAP format which might be converted to many other ones with Nagio ...

Plugin for Nagios that connects to a windows host using TS (RDP) allowing automated interaction returning OK, WARNING, CRITICAL states as needed.
Verizon FiOS Bandwidth Check

Logs into Verizon FiOS router via telnet and pulls back bandwidth usage information.
Warning when host reachable

Nagios Plugin to check that a host is offline as expected