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Check AP (acces point) under a MSM 760 series (like MSM...

Check AP (access point) under a MSM 760 series (like MSM765) controller and notify if some AP are not connected/sync and give some informations about them. Usage: -H IPCONTROLLER -C snmpcommunity -AP name_of_the_acces_point_th ...
Check disk free multiple drives

This plugin check free space for one or all the drives in a server, in a single check
Check Elasticsearch indexing/sec

Check Elasticsearch Total Number of Documents

Checks the total number of documents stored in Elasticsearch.
Check extended filesystem

Nagios plugin to check if the next full filesystem check is coming soon.
Check Health Oracle Libraries

Query the state of a library and components for Oracle Storagetek SL500 / SL3000 / SL8500 by SNMP.
These checks need:
- snmpwalk tool installed in the system.
- Activate the snmp agent at the library. ...
Check homeassistant

Nagios plugin to check if Home Assistant is up and running.
Check Lenovo DS2200

This is a simple plugin to monitor Lenovo DS2200 storage using SSH protocol.
Check OnApp Ghosts

Check if a virtual machine(VM) is running on more than one hypervisor(HV). Check if a VM's network interface exists on more than one HV. Check if an VM's ip address exists on more than one HV. Check for unknown iptables entries on HVs. Why is this needed? Because adding a separate Nagios service monitor for every drive/filesystem on every server is tedious, and added drives and filesystems aren’t auto-discovered. This method discovers new drives and filesystems in ...

Check the balance on SMS gateway using HTTP-API

return a network flow alert for link switch in Nagios.

Script intented to check a domain expiration with a query to the corresponding RDAP server.

This plugin is made in php. What it does basically is to analyze the output of dahdi_scan command on asterisk/elastix telephone switches and determine how many ports are. Monitor the ports you choose to

This addons check hp Smart Array E200i status on ESXi server through ssh connection. It's written in PHP.

Domain Expiration check. Uses the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP), does NOT use WHOIS. Python3.

Nagios/Icinga plugin that checks FC HBA (Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter) status and speed.

Check the status of a management system using IPMI You must have "ipmitool" installed You must pass as an argument the host's ip to analyze You must change the user and password within the script or otherwise put $ 2 and $ 3 to pass as arguments.

Checks if the host's keepalived process is in MASTER or BACKUP state

Check most recent Elasticsearch/Nagios Log Server Backup Status

The script checks whether a specific process is running. It just parses output of service status. The script gives the output the given service status including jenkins Example usage: Example: ./ jenkins

(Nearly) drop-in replacement for check_memcache.php written in Python2.7

Check a memcached instance by ensuring it can set and retrieve keys in a timely fashion.

Checks number of running NetFlow or sFlow devices compared to the number configured devices on Nagios Network Analyzer

check_planet.diff is a 'Nagios like' (Nagios|Nagios XI|Centreon|NRDP2) probe checking the delay of your OSM Planet with offical, based on minute-diff state files.
check the delay betwenn you planet and official osm planet.
specify yours warning and ...

Report status of Printronix P7000/P7200 series printers.

This shell script checks, using snmp, if a HP ProCurve switch has detected a loop between two or more network ports.

Check if all Rundeck jobs succeed and list fail Jobs. Works with MYSQL und MariaDB Database. To use it, you have to create readonly DB user on your MYSQLMariaDB Rundeck DB Server. On Nagios Server you need to install mysql-client. Use it: check_rundec ...

# check_serviceaut
Plugin for nagios to check service status and autostart if service is stopped.
Plugin para Nagios que chequea el estado del servicio y lo arranca de forma automática si esta parado.
1.- Define command in /usr/local/nagios/etc ...

This very simple plugin is writen in C++. The goal is to retrieve the used space on a samba share. check_smb_share is not ok for me because we need authorized access to all directories. We need the used space and not the free space because we pay about th ...

Check Windows Storage Spaces and Status of all local disks through NSClient / NRPE Sample Output: OK: (POOL:Primordial Health:OK Operational:OK) (DISK:PhysicalDisk0 Health:OK Operational:OK) (DISK:PhysicalDisk1 Health: OK Operational:OK) (DISK:Physica ...

Simple telnet check written in python. Allows for simple telnet connection checks, but will also check for text in the welcome message:

Written in Python2.7 this plugin checks for the telnet Welcome Message. If the string you want is included, it returns SUCCESS, WARNING if the answer needs more than warning time, CRITICAL at time out (critical time) or host unreachable and UNKNOWN every ...

This script will check the ping time off what you want.

This script checks one or all your Veeam Backup jobs and warns when either a job has ended abnormally or is disabled

This plugins done the stats of your VPN under Netasq (V8, V9 (?)). Example for zero VPN : VPN_NETASQ CRITICAL - VPN=0 - This script use Perl + Nagios:plugin + net:ssh for this. Tested with Nagios 4.0 !

Checks if a file is writable and count the seconds it takes to write it. Can also be used to make sure a disk is writable.

Nagios plugin to make services based on XML file or URL. The plugin generates the service based on Xpath based search

This check uses msdl to dump a videostream, check the size of it and determine if the streaming service is working or not. The plugin was developed based on Mmorten Bekkelund implementation