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byrjp, June 2, 2016
I was looking for a web-based possibility to schedule recurring downtime in Nagios. This addon offered exactly the things we needed.

I've used the downtime-2.2 version with our Nagios Core 4.1.1, and I can confirm that it works fine. The only things that are different in the 3.0 version, are the downtime_job.pl file and the new line in the side.php file. The downtime_job.pl script schedules the downtime in Nagios, based on the recurring schedule you provided. I haven't seen any problems with the 2.2 version of the script. Make sure you use the new line in side.php however. Nothing has changed in downtime_sched.cgi

I've followed the instructions in the 2.2 README file, and modified the files as described, but with a few additional settings. See below.

In downtime_job.pl:

my($NAGDIR) = "/usr/local/nagios" ; # Nagios root directory
my($CFGFILE) = "$NAGDIR/etc/schedule.cfg"; # my configuration file
my($CMDFILE) = "$NAGDIR/var/rw/nagios.cmd"; # Nagios CMD file
my($OBJECTS) = "$NAGDIR/var/objects.cache"; # Nagios 2 objects file
my($DOWNDAT) = "$NAGDIR/var/downtime.dat"; # existing sched downtime

In downtime_sched.cgi:

my($NAGIOS) = "/usr/local/nagios";

my($CFGFILE) = "$NAGIOS/etc/schedule.cfg"; # My config file!
my($STATUSLOG) = "$NAGIOS/var/status.log";# if defined, check validity
my($OBJECTS) = "$NAGIOS/var/objects.cache";# if defined, use nagios2 cache

Furthermore, I've also added the following line to both sub headers parts in downtime_sched.cgi:

This will make the text style the same as the rest of the Nagios web interface.