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bymichaelv, February 26, 2015
used the downtime-2.2.tar.gz - works fine with Nagios core 4.0.5
Just needed to edit the files as in README file:
for downtime_job.pl:
use strict;
use Time::Local;

my($VERSION) = "2.2"; # this script version

#my($NAGDIR) = "/u02/nagios" ; # Nagios root directory
my($NAGDIR) = "/usr/local/nagios" ; # Nagios root directory
my($SVCALSO) = 0; # schedule outages for services on hosts as well as hosts?

my($CFGFILE) = "$NAGDIR/etc/schedule.cfg"; # my configuration file
#my($CMDFILE) = "$NAGDIR/log/rw/nagios.cmd"; # Nagios CMD file
my($CMDFILE) = "$NAGDIR/var/rw/nagios.cmd"; # Nagios CMD file
# Define this for Nagios 2
#my($OBJECTS) = "$NAGDIR/log/objects.cache"; # Nagios 2 objects file
my($OBJECTS) = "$NAGDIR/var/objects.cache"; # Nagios 2 objects file
#my($DOWNDAT) = "$NAGDIR/log/downtime.dat"; # existing sched downtime
my($DOWNDAT) = "$NAGDIR/var/downtime.dat"; # existing sched downtime
# Or these for Nagios 1
my($STATUSLOG) = "$NAGDIR/log/status.log"; # Nagios status log file
my($HGCFG) = "$NAGDIR/etc/hostgroups.cfg";# needed if ver=1
my($DOWNLOG) = "$NAGDIR/log/downtime.log"; # existing sched downtime

my($FREQUENCY) = 1440*7; # how many minutes to look ahead. Should be at least
# 1440 (one day) and