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Nagios plugins for monitoring security software.
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- VPN Software (13 listings)

Nagios plugin designed to passively check capture interfaces to validate they are receiving desired traffic flows.

This Nagios plugin monitors a domain in search of web vulnerabilities, so it uses the scan of Web Nikto vulnerabilities, producing an HTML report, and alerting to the existence of known vulnerabilities, returning the critical state in case of detection. ...

This is a nagios plugin to check an OCSP server. It does so by having a PEM encoded certificate in the code, and the PEM encoded certificate of the issuer. This is sent to the OCSP server and the response is then parsed to give the correct nagios result. ...

This Nagios plugin monitors ports, and alerts about opening new port of communication. As arguments are passed the list of authorized ports, and the IP address of the machine to be monitored (local), returning the critical state if one or more open ports ...

check_ossec monitors the connected/disconnected state of OSSEC ( agents.

Check linux account password expiration by scanning /etc/passwd file and verifying password expiration via chage command. A list of account expiring in less than x days is displayed. This plugin works only on Linux.

This plugin checks if a webserver has been patched for the SSLv3 POODLE vulnerability. (CVE-2014-3566)

This plugin gets the events logged by Prelude to a MySQL database in the last 5 Minutes and returns a status based on the specified limits.

This check plugin watch into a prelude database (from

This plugin queries the Snorby ( database for High severity events in a defined time interval.

This is a generic SSL checker - for cases where you're running a non-standard protocol behind SSL, or where you want a more detailed certificate chain report. It'll give WARNING and CRITICAL messages about expiry time for all certificates in the chain, an ...

This Nagios plugin monitors the SSL/TLS settings, using the SSLLABS Web service, performs tests on certificates, seeking vulnerabilities, and in case of detection returns the warning or critical state, depending on the arguments defined, namely the domain ...
check_ssl_cert Popular

A POSIX shell script (that can be used as a Nagios/Icinga plugin) to check an SSL/TLS connection and certificate
check_ssl_cert (PHP with validation)

More improvement to mastrboy's original PHP check_ssl_cert.php. This adds X.509 PKI Chain validation, days-to-expiration in the performance data, as well as OSCP validation.

Check the expiry date of an SSL certificate using openssl.

Validate expiration date of a X509 SSL certificate file using OpenSSL

Complete (?) check for valid SSL certificate Checks all of the following: Fetch SSL certificate from URL (on optional given host) Does the certificate contain our hostname? Has the certificate expired? Download (and cache) CRL Has the certificate been re ...

Check sssd backend status by using the sssctl tool to query the sssd-ifp API.

Check the expiration date (and optionally the correctness) of a TLS certificate. Certificates can be loaded locally from a file or remotely from a server. STARTTLS and SNI based servers can be queried as well/
check_tripwire traps

Plugin shows a lists of hosts in which tripwire has detected violations.

check_tsa is Nagios plugin to check RFC3161 TSA timestamps.
check_ufw (edouard.lamoine)

A simple plugin that check the status of the UFW firewall.
Tested under Ubuntu 10

Check Vulnerabilities FreeBSD "ports", Gentoo "portage", NetBSD "audit-package"

This Nagios plugin monitors the version of WordPress, in search of updates, receiving as an argument the full path of the version.php file, where you get information about the version of the software installed, and uses WordPress's Web service to obtain t ...

This plugin checks your Server for banned IPs by fail2ban.
Fail2Ban ip banned

This Nagios plugins is developed by : Hamdy Abou El Anein It check if fail2ban have an active ip banned and if yes it show the ip In the script I use warning state only critical Vers ...
Failed logins last hour

This is a plugin to monitor failed login attempts in RedHat/CentOS servers.
Filezilla Security Check

A simple VBS Script to check if the filezilla security is set correctly, by comparing the XML.

This application to monitoring who access nagios server or other client computer from remote computer. So you can prevent your server from people attack or unknown user login into your server. You can use this application to monitoring ssh connection, ...

Nagios plugin to check for infections of new, in-the-wild root kits not covered by chkrootkit, rkhunter etc.

Nagios is a plugin designed by Alessandro de Oliveira Faria to send alerts based on the identification of objects or faces your server using computer vision (with openCV library) and a simple webcam.
Ossec Alert Mail check

This script checks the main OSSEC mail box and look for alerts with priority >= 10.

This plugin can be used to monitor memory consumption on an HSM with a PKCS #11 interface. The tool can give a warning when memory saturation reaches a certain limit (75% is the default setting) and reports a critical status if the memory saturation excee ...
Safenet Protectserver HSM check

This is a Nagios plugin to monitor a Safenet Protectserver HSM using the Safenet tools. It can also gather information about the device, like firmware and functional module information. ...

This plugin checks the windows security log for any changes to group membership. Change events are spooled and reported one at a time.
Tipping Point CPU, MEM, FS

Monitor cpu, memory and filesystems via snmp on Tipping Point ( devices.