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This check uses OpenSSL to connect to a host:port and either confirm that it is specifying at least one accepted client certificate CA name, or compare the accepted CA names list returned by the host to a list supplied to the check. The purpose being that if you have a service that is supposed to accept client certificates but is not, or the list has changed you may want to detect this.
Help output from the check -
CWSI_check_client_cert_CAs_sent.php - v1.0.0

This plugin checks that the host sends a list of acceptable client certificate CAs and
optionally that the accepted list supplied by the host matches a list specified to this command

Usage: CWSI_check_client_cert_CAs_sent.php -h | -H -p -n [[-f ] | [-l [-m ]]]

Print this help and usage message
Host to query (REQUIRED)
Port on the host to query (REQUIRED)
The code to be returned if connection is successful but host does not accept any client certs,
The code to be returned if the host provides a list of accepted certs
Comma separated list expected client certificate CAs the host is expected to return, if the list
matches OK will be returned, otherwise the return code will be as specified with -m
The code to be returned if the host provides a list of accepted certs that does not match the list
specified with -l, must be WARNING or CRITICAL. Defaults to WARNING if not specified

This plugin will use OpenSSL to get the client certificate information from the host
$./CWSI_check_client_cert_CAs_sent.php -H www.google.com -p 443 -n WARNING
Returns WARNING if this host is not listing any acceptable client certificate CAs, OK if it is returning some
$./CWSI_check_client_cert_CAs_sent.php -H www.google.com -p 443 -n OK -f WARNING
Returns OK if this host is not listing any acceptable client certificate CAs, WARNING if it is returning any
$./CWSI_check_client_cert_CAs_sent.php -H www.google.com -p 443 -n WARNING -l 'CN=CA1O=Google,CN=CA2O=Google' -m WARNING
Returns WARNING if the host returns no acceptable client certificates, OK if the hosts list
matches the supplied list or WARNING if the hosts list does not match the supplied list


Some Command/Service definitions you might use -

define command {
command_name CWSI_check_client_cert_CAs_sent
command_line /usr/local/nagios/resources/scripts/CWSI_check_client_cert_CAs_sent.php -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $ARG1$ -n $ARG2$

define service {
name CWSI_check_client_cert_CAs_sent_service
service_description CWSI_check_client_cert_CAs_sent_service
check_command CWSI_check_client_cert_CAs_sent!443!WARNING!!!!!!
register 0


define command {
command_name CWSI_check_client_cert_CAs_sent
command_line /usr/local/nagios/resources/scripts/CWSI_check_client_cert_CAs_sent.php -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $ARG1$ -n $ARG2$ -l "$ARG3$" -m $ARG4$

define service {
name CWSI_check_client_cert_CAs_sent_service
service_description CWSI_check_client_cert_CAs_sent_service
check_command CWSI_check_client_cert_CAs_sent!443!WARNING!CN=CA1O=Google,CN=CA2O=Google!WARNING!!!!
register 0

Watch out for the "" on $ARG3$ as many CA DNs will have spaces so these are required.


Tested with NagiosXI but no reason it will not work with other versions.

Requires OpenSSL.