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Check printer toner (HP)

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Check printer toner (HP)
The script for verifying the toner level for the HP printers which have issues with SNMP. I have the HP DeskJet 2630 and the web interface of it is passwordless (maybe I'll add auth support in the future, as for now - nope). The script checks if the printer is in the network and if the ink level is sufficient (both black and color). It does so by parsing the XML page, generated by the printer.
The script for verifying the toner level for the HP printers which have issues with SNMP. I have the HP DeskJet 2630 and the web interface of it is passwordless (maybe I'll add auth support in the future, as for now - nope).
The script checks if the printer is in the network and if the ink level is sufficient (both black and color). It does so by parsing the XML page, generated by the printer.

Sample usage:

define service {

use generic-service
host_name %my_printer_host_name%
service_description Printer toner status
check_command check_printer_toner

define command {
command_name check_printer_toner
command_line $USER1$/check_printer -H $HOSTADDRESS$ --separator=" "