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check_dcmfind.pycheck DICOM Find (Query) service v 0.1.1
Nagios CSP

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Nagios plugin to check a DICOM find service which is the first stage of a query/retrieve operation (find/c-move).

v 0.1.1 - corrected usage comments; updated inline code comments
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# check_dcmfind.py
# Nagios plugin to check a DICOM find service which is the first stage of a query/retrieve operation (find/c-move) .
# The script is a wrapper for dcmtk's (http://dicom.offis.de/dcmtk.php.en) findscu
# to monitor FIND(Query) SCP. dcmtk will have to be installed (or the binary built) on the
# nagios system. Easiest way on an ubuntu system is to use apt:
# sudo apt-get install dcmtk
# dcmtk version 3.6.0 has been used successfully
# The findscu command tries to find studies with the study date of 1950-01-01. The query should be successful and return no studies.
# this work is based on check_dcm.py
# Dale F. Hawley July 2013

# Usage:
#define command {
# command_name check_dcmfind
# command_line $USER1$/check_dcmfind.py -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $ARG1$ -aec $ARG2$ -aet $ARG3$ -v
# }
#define service {
# host_name VARXcelera
# service_description DICOM Query VAR Xcelera
# check_command check_dcmfind!7000!QR_SCP!TVCARDARCH
# initial_state o
# max_check_attempts 3
# check_interval 10
# retry_interval 1
# active_checks_enabled 1
# check_period 24x7
# notification_interval 10
# first_notification_delay 0
# notification_period 24x7
# notification_options w,u,r,c,f,s
# notifications_enabled 1
# register 1

If the plug-in cannot be found try to change the file permissions with #chmod 777 check_dcmfind.py