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check_cciss - HP and Compaq Smart Array Hardware status

39 votes
Current Version
Last Release Date
Compatible With
  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
check_cciss-1.8check_cciss 2008/10/06 (v.1.8)
check_cciss-1.9check_cciss 2012/03/06 (v.1.9)
check_cciss-1.10check_cciss 2012/04/04 (v.1.10)
check_cciss-1.11check_cciss 2012/07/16 (v.1.11)
check_cciss-1.12check_cciss 2013/11/20 (v.1.12)
check_cciss-1.13check_cciss 2017/01/23 (v.1.13)
check_cciss-1.14check_cciss 2017/02/25 (v.1.14)
check_cciss-1.15check_cciss 2017/04/28 (v.1.15)
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check_cciss - HP and Compaq Smart Array Hardware status
HP/HPE Smart Array Hardware status plugin for Nagios 1.x/2.x/3.x
This plugin checks hardware status for Smart Array Controllers, using the HP Array Configuration Utility CLI / HPE Smart Storage Administrator. (Array, controller, cache, disk, battery, etc...)


./check_cciss -v
RAID OK: Smart Array 6i in Slot 0 array A logicaldrive 1 (67.8 GB, RAID 1+0, OK) (Controller Status: OK Cache Status: OK Battery Status: OK)

./check_cciss -v -p
RAID OK: Smart Array 6i in Slot 0 (Embedded) array A logicaldrive 1 (33.9 GB, RAID 1, OK)
physicaldrive 2:0 (port 2:id 0 , Parallel SCSI, 36.4 GB, OK)
physicaldrive 2:1 (port 2:id 1 , Parallel SCSI, 36.4 GB, OK)
physicaldrive 1:5 (port 1:id 5 , Parallel SCSI, 72.8 GB, OK, spare)
[Controller Status: OK Cache Status: OK Battery/Capacitor Status: OK]


Another Examples:

RAID CRITICAL - HP Smart Array Failed: Smart Array 6i in Slot 0 array A (failed) logicaldrive 1 (67.8 GB, 1+0, Interim Recovery Mode)

RAID WARNING - HP Smart Array Rebuilding: Smart Array 6i in Slot 0 array A logicaldrive 1 (67.8 GB, 1+0, Rebuilding)
Reviews (26)
byPeter, April 17, 2012
0 of 1 people found this review helpful
On failure this returns "exit $STATE_CRITICAL"

But $STATE_CRITICAL is not defined, so the return status is always good. Only the Status Information text changes.
Owner's reply

Peter, the "$STATE_*" are definited into Nagios "utils.sh" (see include at line 134 of check_cciss-1.10)
The script work correctly from 2005 (v.1.0) with the same states!

Updated to check_cciss 1.9 (see www.monitoringexchange.org if not present here)

- Increased debug verbosity
- Added arguments to detect controller with HPSA driver (Hewlett Packard Smart Array) (-s)
- Recognize required firmware upgrades
- Don't confuse messages about a new fimrware with a chassis-error
- Check physical drives for predicted failures
- Added arguments to show detail for physical drives (-p)
- Check the state of the cache (a dead battery will turn the cache off)

Happy Nagios ;-)
Owner's reply

Updated to 1.10

Happy Nagios! :-)

byjbroome, December 6, 2011
If you adjust the grep that jisse44 suggests to Fail vs. the Failed he suggests you'll pick up a drive status of "Predictive Failure" as well.
Owner's reply

Fixed! Thanks

byleprasmurf, December 1, 2011
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Has worked well for my purposes. However, if there's a firmware upgrade, the check fails with "RAID UNKNOWN - /usr/sbin/hpacucli did not execute properly : Error: The controller identified by "chassisname=a" was not detected."

The firmware update text is falsely matching the egrep's regex. I made the following change to line 215 and 217:

... | egrep -v "Slot" | ...

... | egrep -v -e "Slot" -e "scenario" | ...
Owner's reply

Fixed! Thanks

byjisse44, June 29, 2011
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Hi, very good plugin.

I just add lines to watch which physical drive is down or rebuilding, after line 210 of v1.8:

check2c=`sudo -u root $hpacucli controller slot=$slot physicaldrive all show 2>&1 | grep '\(Failed\|Rebuilding\)' | awk '{print $1, $2}'`
if test ${status} -ne 0; then
echo "RAID UNKNOWN - $hpacucli did not execute properly : "${check2c}
check2="$check2$check2b -> /!\ $check2c"
Owner's reply

Fixed! Thanks

byjdecello, March 20, 2010
This one works out of the box. The check_hparray that is just like this one does not work with nagios3. The check_hparray.pl errors out on arrays of slot=0 (all of mine) and didn't give verbose output.

This one I just did a -v in nrpe.cfg, simple and detailed.... though it doesn't handle UNKNOWN quite right... was still green rather than other. not a big deal....
Owner's reply

Fixed! Thanks

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