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  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
check_proliant.pyversion 1.3, 2013-10-01
check_proliant.pyversion 1.4, 2013-10-26
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Plugin to check Proliant hardware using only Python and HPASMCLI. is a check plugin to check hardware status of HP/Compaq Proliant servers using only the /sbin/hpasmcli binary. It is written in Python and depends on the pexpect package ( which is a purely Python implementation of Expect (and allowing your nagios user passwordless root rights to the hpasmcli binary via sudoers). The plugin checks only the local machine (no SNMP required).

It is capable of checking the status of fans, power supplies, temperatures, DIMMs and processors. For most of these it just checks the "status" line, but for fans it parses out the current temperature and threshold and compares them, giving a critical if the temperature is over the threshold, and a warning if the temperature is within a given percentage of the threshold.

Usage is very simple: --type={fan|ps|temp|dimm|proc}
For fans and power supplies, it will also return critical if any of them are listed as not redundant, but this can be overridden by adding a "--ignore-redundant" argument.

Tested on:
OpenSuSE 11.1, hp-health-8.1.1-14.sles10 (rpm), DL380 G3
OpenSuSE 10.1, hpasm-7.7.0-115.sles10 (rpm), DL380 G1
OpenSuSE 10.1, hpasm-7.7.0-115.sles10 (rpm), ML370 G1
OpenSuSE 10.2, hpasm-7.7.0-115.sles10 (rpm), DL360 G1
OpenSuSE 10.2, hpasm-7.7.0-115.sles10 (rpm), DL320 G1
Reviews (1)
bykluchtman, March 8, 2013
This worked perfectly. On a DL380 G3 Cent OS 6.3. I wish it would give more information like the actual temp but I am sure I can find something else for that.