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./check_zmcontrol -w ## for warning
./check_zmcontrol -c ## for critical
Note that the user running Nagios daemon or, most commonly in this case, the NRPE daemon, is "nagios". But to execute Zimbra's zmcontrol command you need to run it as "zimbra" user. In this script I run execute:
su -l zimbra -c "/opt/zimbra/bin/zmcontrol status"
This means that the nagios user executing this script will need to have the ability to switch users. I recommend executing this script with sudo and in the sudoers file you would have to append the permission:
nagios ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/local/nagios/libexec/
which gives the nagios user to execute any nagios plugins with root privileges, which will allow for the correct execution of the su command.
Feel free to contact me for any more details.
This plugin is a bash script which checks if there are any stopped services in the Zimbra mail system. Rather it reports a warning or critical state, depends on the argument you feed it:
./check_zmcontrol -w ## for warning
./check_zmcontrol -c ## for critical
Note that the user running Nagios daemon or, most commonly in this case, the NRPE daemon, is "nagios". But to execute Zimbra's zmcontrol command you need to run it as "zimbra" user. In this script I run execute:
su -l zimbra -c "/opt/zimbra/bin/zmcontrol status"
This means that the nagios user executing this script will need to have the ability to switch users. I recommend executing this script with sudo and in the sudoers file you would have to append the permission:
nagios ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/local/nagios/libexec/
which gives the nagios user to execute any nagios plugins with root privileges, which will allow for the correct execution of the su command.
Feel free to contact me for any more details.
./check_zmcontrol -w ## for warning
./check_zmcontrol -c ## for critical
Note that the user running Nagios daemon or, most commonly in this case, the NRPE daemon, is "nagios". But to execute Zimbra's zmcontrol command you need to run it as "zimbra" user. In this script I run execute:
su -l zimbra -c "/opt/zimbra/bin/zmcontrol status"
This means that the nagios user executing this script will need to have the ability to switch users. I recommend executing this script with sudo and in the sudoers file you would have to append the permission:
nagios ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/local/nagios/libexec/
which gives the nagios user to execute any nagios plugins with root privileges, which will allow for the correct execution of the su command.
Feel free to contact me for any more details.
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