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Check Exchange Databases and Queue
Current Version
Last Release Date
Compatible With
- Nagios 3.x
- Nagios 4.x
- Nagios XI
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can check if all Exchange Databases are mounted, and Exchange Queue.
### Description:
Plugin for nagios to check Exchange Server 2007,2010,2013,2016.
can check if all Exchange Databases are mounted, and Exchange Queue.
### Auther:
Yossi Bitton
Date: November 2018
Version 1.1.0
#### PARAMETER CheckType
"DBStatus" - Check all exchange databases if mounted or not, return Critical if one database is not mounted.
"Queue" - Check all queue in exchange server if empty or not. if queue items greater than Warn or Crit.
#### PARAMETER ExchangeVer (Optional)
"2007" , "2010", "2013" ,"2016" - not needed, the plugin automaticly get the exchange version, and load the relevant PS-Module.
integer - Used for test Queue, set the number of items in queue.
integer - Used for test Queue, set the number of items in queue.
#### PARAMETER Debug
Debug Mode.
Check all exchange db status:
.check_exchange.ps1 -CheckType DBStatus
.check_exchange.ps1 DBStatus
Check exchange queue
.check_exchange.ps1 -CheckType Queue -Warn 10 -Crit 50
this command also works, using args position:
.check_exchange.ps1 Queue 10 50
### Instalation
#### NSClient with NSC.ini config file (old version)
Edit NRPE config:
Edit NSC.ini or nsclient.ini and add the following line under section:
[Wrapped Scripts]
check_exchange=check_exchange.ps1 $ARG1$
[Script Wrappings]
ps1 = cmd /c echo scripts%SCRIPT%%ARGS%; exit($lastexitcode) | powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -command -
#### NSClient with nsclient.ini config file (new version)
add the followings lines under:
[/settings/external scripts/scripts]
check_exchange = cmd /c echo scriptscheck_exchange.ps1 $ARG1$ ; exit($lastexitcode) | powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -command -
Plugin for nagios to check Exchange Server 2007,2010,2013,2016.
can check if all Exchange Databases are mounted, and Exchange Queue.
### Auther:
Yossi Bitton
Date: November 2018
Version 1.1.0
#### PARAMETER CheckType
"DBStatus" - Check all exchange databases if mounted or not, return Critical if one database is not mounted.
"Queue" - Check all queue in exchange server if empty or not. if queue items greater than Warn or Crit.
#### PARAMETER ExchangeVer (Optional)
"2007" , "2010", "2013" ,"2016" - not needed, the plugin automaticly get the exchange version, and load the relevant PS-Module.
integer - Used for test Queue, set the number of items in queue.
integer - Used for test Queue, set the number of items in queue.
#### PARAMETER Debug
Debug Mode.
Check all exchange db status:
.check_exchange.ps1 -CheckType DBStatus
.check_exchange.ps1 DBStatus
Check exchange queue
.check_exchange.ps1 -CheckType Queue -Warn 10 -Crit 50
this command also works, using args position:
.check_exchange.ps1 Queue 10 50
### Instalation
#### NSClient with NSC.ini config file (old version)
Edit NRPE config:
Edit NSC.ini or nsclient.ini and add the following line under section:
[Wrapped Scripts]
check_exchange=check_exchange.ps1 $ARG1$
[Script Wrappings]
ps1 = cmd /c echo scripts%SCRIPT%%ARGS%; exit($lastexitcode) | powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -command -
#### NSClient with nsclient.ini config file (new version)
add the followings lines under:
[/settings/external scripts/scripts]
check_exchange = cmd /c echo scriptscheck_exchange.ps1 $ARG1$ ; exit($lastexitcode) | powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -command -
Reviews (1)
bydamned, December 19, 2019
Great, it works very well and documentation is very complete!