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Check MS Cluster Group Preferred Owner

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Check MS Cluster Group Preferred Owner
This is a small powershell script for NSClient to check if Cluster Groups are running on their preferred owner on a Microsoft cluster.
This is a small powershell script for NSClient to check if Cluster Groups are running on their preferred owner on a Microsoft cluster. Simply add it to you NSClient scripts directory and put the following line in your nsc.ini

check_preferred=cmd /c echo scriptscheck_preferred.ps1; exit($lastexitcode) | PowerShell.exe -Command -

Don't forget to enable the running of ps1 scripts by powershell! You can do this by starting a powershell as administrator and give the command "Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted"

This script was tested with MS SQL Cluster and Filecluster, but should work on any MS cluster.
Reviews (1)
bydiablo2424, March 30, 2018
I love this script, I just made one minor change to the Get-Cluster line.

Get-ClusterNode $Computer | Get-ClusterGroup | ?{ $_ | Get-ClusterResource }

$ClusterGroups = Get-ClusterGroup | Where-Object {($_.Name -ne "Cluster Group")} | Where-Object {($_.Name -ne "Available Storage")}

The new modified version will not display the default "Cluster Group" and "Available Storage" blank clusters, which do not have a preferred owner, causing the script to always read WARNING.

However, being new to NAGIOS and CheckMK, I am unsure as to what define service and define command entries to put into my NAGIOS server config files. Can anyone help me out with that part?